Monday, December 17, 2007

grace of God

Quick Update....

What struggle we face but should I be suprise at them?
What praise will I sing? What song is in my heart?
Although the pain does not stop, I am I to stop praising His name?
Although there is no call for prayer, will I stop praying?
Although few will gather will my fire die?
Although few will gather and few will come. Few will understand and few will weep. Will I then stop my tears? Is this it I would ponder, we came we met and wept we left? But if then our fire dies then it was in vain? But if we are stired and will not give up until in he Comes then Amen.
For hearts that are stired to praying yet I have seen soon fire fades. But why? Life seems to be answer. We come busy and caught up in other things. Oh may it never be, but this day our would grow hoter for love of Christ. Our depth and understanding of prayer would grow.
Indeed there there is a greater meeting still. Who is eager for such a day?
Eager for God can and will do today in our lives? What grace he has given us, praise his name. He is worthy of our lives. our ways our hearts. Our everything, why then hold back, but give all and die at the cross..

So wherever you are, prayer meeting or not, don't give up press on.
Whom do we pray too? Is he able to make a praying Church?
But don't give up, but learn to wait and pray alone. Or maybe this what God keeps telling me. I have struggle what part do I have here at this Church? All I know for the last three years was prayer, and serving the Church in that manner. But they in some ways to hold off for big prayer meeting. I was upset and didn't understand the reason in it all. I still struggle with this, trusting God is more then able. And just need wait and pray.

My heart so heavy, if I be here please let there be a few I can meet with and pray.
And indeed today he blessed my prayer. and brought three lady who will meet on Saturday at 10 am. but before and even now, sometimes I fail to see Gods grace working. There is hope. I find my the best place to be is to thanking God, and praiseing him for what he will do and is doing now.

God has been showing the real and applyable ways to encourage my Church family to prayer. But the task seem hard and I am weary just thinking about it. But God grace can help me. I need his grace to walk and obey and to see what is he doing.

I read some great verses...
"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.
Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable.
So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air.
But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified" 1 Corn 9:24-27

Two keys things for me.. Self- Control .. and discipline. With what I eat.
Some times I think I have the right to eat what I want. Or I can as long as I do in under control. I seen that the lust of my flesh for sugar and other things I shouldn't eat all, has taken over and given birth to sin and lack of self - control. I know the facts and effects of even slipping once here and there. ( Note I am not eating it everyday. But even once is deadly in some ways) Why I say one time can be deadly is it open the door for more times, and soon it grows.
As John Owen says "" you must always be at it while you live; do not take a day off from this work ; always be killing sin or it will be killing you."
As part of my reason, just a rest here and there, but putting to death my ways it seems it needed everyday.
This hits home in such a real way. My sin of eating these food here and there I sure will not kill me this day, but the cause and effect it can have my body can be big. So idea or thought of sin killing us. Is so real to me this week. What I sometimes call little or not important is in fact big.

"When sin lets us alone, we may let sin alone; but sin is always active when it seems to be the most quiet, and its waters are often deep when they are calm." John Owen

This again is so true for me this week. I can't give up. I must be at war always. but I am always thankful God showed that I can't do this with out Christ.

"Sin’s expression is modest in the beginning but, once it has gained a foothold, it continue to take further ground and presses on to the greater heights. This advance of sin as it continues to grow." John Owen

" To neglect of this duty makes the inner mad decay instead of renewing him" John Owen

So I reason that I can eat this if I give more Med. What wrong thinking. a cover up for what I shouldn't have in the frist place. For some reason, if I could make so My blood sugar dosn't go up then I can eat. But I fail to remeber that is hurts others things that sometimes can't be seen. Same in my life I can't sin and use grace to cover it up. The heart motive is still there.

Anyways I had made a cake thing. I left in the house I was going to eat the next day. But brother gave it to the dogs. I was upset at frist then saw Gods grace for me. How weak we are at times.

Blessing in The Lord


Sunday, December 16, 2007

Priorities and the Mysteries of God

Christians everywhere are locked in battle over the proper view of the end times, the proper interpretation of the millenium, the pros and cons of the charismatic gifts etc., etc., etc. I have struggled over the past year with how much time and energy should be expended in searching out answers on these issues. In the closing months of this year it became painfully obvious that I could dig my heels in on any one of these issues and spend huge volumes of time trying to discern answers to so many of these questions. While I fret and study and pray for enlightenment, I am blissfully unaware that I am neglecting the Great Commission that stands apart from these divisive arguments and commands that we simply share the "good news" of Jesus Christ and what He has done for us and, when this seed takes root and regenerates the lost, we are simply to be about the business of discipleship.

It believe Satan is quite happy and content to have us spend hours and days and months and years trying to search out the mysteries of God. Every hour spent in this pursuit keeps us away from the lost who are headed to eternity with him in hell. We have the one thing they need to be saved. The following quote by Spurgeon sums this up quite well.

Preaching on the subject of the "Second Advent" at The Metropolitan Tabernacle in December of 1884, he stated this:

"Some Christians are very curious, but not obedient. Plain precepts are
neglected, but difficult problems they seek to solve. I remember one who used to be dwelling upon the vials and seals and trumpets. He was great at apocalyptic symbols; but he had seven children, and he had no family prayer. If he had left the vials and trumpets and minded his boys and girls, it would have been a deal better.

I have known men marvelously great upon Daniel and specially instructed in Ezekiel, but singularly forgetful of the twentieth of Exodus, and not very clear upon Romans the eighth. I do not speak with any blame of such folks for studying Daniel and Ezekiel, but quite the reverse; yet I wish they had been more zealous for the conversion of sinners in their neighborhoods, and the more careful to assist the poor saints. I admit the value of the study of the feet of the image of Nebuchadnezzar's vision, and the importance of knowing the kingdoms
which make up the ten toes, but I do not see the propriety of allowing such studies to overlay the common-places of practical godliness. If the time spent over obscure theological propositions were given to a mission in the dim alley near the good man's house, more benefit would come to man and more glory to God.

I would have you understand all the mysteries brethren, if you could; but do not forget that our chief business here below is to cry, "Behold the Lamb!" Charles H. Spurgeon

Your brother in this battle, Steve

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Another Year Draws to a Close

Brothers and Sisters,

As another year draws to a close and we contemplate and evaluate the activities of the past 365 days, I wonder how many more holiday seasons we have left. Don't worry, I have no doomsday prophecy for our blog but, I have attended numerous funerals this year for men and women who, last year at this time, had no idea they would be in eternity today. What would they say if they could speak to us this day?

Will our group be intact for another year or will 2008 be the year that someone in our union, or in our immediate family will enter eternity? There are no guarantees and when I evaluate the past 12 months, I am so thankful for the way each one of you have challenged me to press on and press in. The let-down after Canton was inevitable but should this be so? Do we not have a far greater event and a far greater reunion coming? 2008 could be the year that I meet my Savior face-to-face. It could be the year that one of my brothers or sisters in this union will make that final journey. Since we poured out our hearts in prayer and fasting leading up to Canton, how can we slip back into the "ordinary" now, knowing that a far greater meeting is on the horizon?

In the same way that we would have been embarrassed to show up in Canton unprepared, let's press on and challenge each other to greater and greater faithfulness in 2008, as this could be the year we make our own journey into eternity. How embarrassing it will be to stand before our Savior and confess we were just too busy to pray, too busy to share the gospel, too busy to read the Word, too busy to love our spouses and children. Let us strip away anything that is weighing us down in this fight.

My prayer for 2008 is that I would finally begin to love Christ more than I love my own flesh. I pray that I would care more for the gospel than for my own beloved image in the eyes of sinful men. I pray that I would invest in the priceless treasure of souls that walk by me every day, blissfully unconcerned that they are headed to an eternity in hell.

Let us continue pressing on and pressing in!

Your brother, Steve

Monday, December 10, 2007

please pray

sorry I am writing again.
I just wanted to ask for prayer for my health

I have been in lots of pain this last week.
It was a really hard day.
Please pray that doors for the Gosple will be open
and God will use to speak of Christ wisly and fearless

I will have much joy in this trail.

Also those around would have a heart to pray, I was in tears today
who wants to come and pray?

Please pray my faith will be strong and my eyes on Christ

Saturday, December 8, 2007

no rest

A friend sent this to me. I have been battle my health for some time. I have in out of this trail. This really was a blessing. To know in heaven there will such perfect rest.
Blessing in Christ

This is not your resting-place(Thomas Brooks, "A String of Pearls" 1657)This life is full of trials, full of troubles, and full of changes. Sin within, and Satan and the world without, will keep a Christian from rest, until he comes to rest in the bosom of Christ. The life of a Christian is a race--and what rest have those who are still a-running their race? The life of a Christian is a warfare--and what rest have those who are still engaged in a constant warfare? The life of a Christian is the life of a pilgrim--and what rest has a pilgrim, who is still a-traveling from place to place? The fears, the snares, the cares, the changes, etc., which attend believers in this world, are such that will keep them from taking up their rest here. A Christian hears that word always sounding in his ears, "Arise, for this isnot your resting-place, because it is polluted." Micah 2:10.A man may as well expect to find heaven in hell--as expect to find rest in this world! Rest is a jewel very desirable on earth;but we shall not wear it in our bosoms until we come to heaven.

Man's sorrows begin when his days begin, and his sorrows are multiplied as his days are multiplied; his whole life is but one continued grief:

labor wears him,
care tears him,
fears toss him,
losses vex him,
dangers trouble him,
crosses disquiet him,
nothing pleases him.

he rest reserved in heaven for believers is a universal rest--
a rest from all sin;
a rest from all sorrow;
a rest from all afflictions;
a rest from all temptations;
a rest from all oppression;
a rest from all vexations;
a rest from all labor and pains;
a rest from all trouble and travail;
a rest from all aches, weaknesses, and diseases.
"Blessed are those who die in the Lord from now on. Yes, says the Spirit, they are blessed indeed, for they will rest from all their toils and trials!" Rev. 14:13

Thursday, December 6, 2007

be watchful on praying

Why do people not prayer? Others things have taken there time. Sin is what keeps from praying? If a man has a right veiw of sin, he will have a right veiw of God. Therefore he will
desire to pray. I am starting think revile and sin go together in many ways. Without turning from it we stay in the place, but with hunger and turning we grow and go deeper. Maybe it really is as easy as that, the hunger in our hearts for holiness? I guess I still have many questions. Do you think what was written off track, may I ask why?

But as for my Church and the struggle I see with prayer, really is a deeper root. Being I can't call a prayer meeting. But I can go to one house at a time and pray with them. I can pray for them. I can speak of Gods words with them. I have been meeting with two sister alone and praying. I have talked with the pastor. There are things that keep people from praying.
I am finding that speaking and praying on the matters of Holiness, from it comes a deeper heart for prayer. I agree we must be praying, but if they don't then go to them. Have people in or Homes. Don't give up.

Blessing Charlene
Watchful PrayingBy Dave Butts

"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful" (Colossians 4:2).Devotion to prayer was one of the marks of the early Church. In Acts 2:42, Luke lists four areas of devotion that marked the Jerusalem church: Apostles’ teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer. The rest of Acts demonstrates their devotion, as a praying Church breaks out of Judea and embarks upon its mission to the world.God’s call to His people today is for nothing less than that demonstrated by the first believers. Through dependence upon His power through prayer, we establish His kingdom in the lives of men and women everywhere, seeing Christ’s kingdom advance among the nations.In Colossians 4:2, Paul’s command for us to be devoted to prayer is sharpened by the phrase, "being watchful." Watchful praying is a more intense, more kingdom-focused type of prayer. All too often our prayers can be a reflection of an unfocused, bland faith. We ask little, expecting little, and what we do ask for is more about our own desires than the purposes and plans of God.Watchful praying takes effort. It is an aggressive sort of prayer life, recognizing that life is lived out in the midst of a battleground. Watching and praying is a lifestyle focusing on seeing the kingdom of Christ advance and knowing that our prayers are a vital part of what God is doing on planet earth.To watch and pray first of all means that we watch God. As we draw near in intimacy and see how God is moving, we pick up divine cues from Him as to how we should pray. Scripture speaks much of keeping our eyes on the Lord:
• "O my Strength, I watch for You; You, O God, are my fortress…" (Psalm 59:9).
• "But as for me, I watch in hope for the LORD, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me" (Micah 7:7).
• "I will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts; I will look to see what He will say to me, and what answer I am to give to this complaint" (Habakkuk 2:1).
• "It’s like a man going away: He leaves his house and puts his servants in charge, each with his assigned task, and tells the one at the door to keep watch. Therefore keep watch because you do not know when the owner of the house will come back – whether in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or at dawn. If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping. What I say to you, I say to everyone: ‘Watch!’" (Mark 13:34-37).God’s Word also tells us to watch what is happening around us, and sometimes even within us. There is to be an awareness of our surroundings and what God might be doing in them, so that we can pray with greater effectiveness. Here are just a few of the Scriptures that point to this way of watching and praying:
• "Look at the nations and watch – and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told" (Habakkuk 1:5).
• "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come" (Matthew 24:42).
• "Then He said to them, ‘My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with Me.’ Going a little farther, He fell with His face to the ground and prayed, ‘My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from Me. Yet not as I will, but as You will.’ Then He returned to His disciples and found them sleeping. ‘Could you men not keep watch with Me for one hour?’ He asked Peter. ‘Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak’" (Matthew 26:38-41).
• "Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them" (Deuteronomy 4:9).One of the most fascinating aspects of watchful praying is how closely it ties us to the very nature and activity of God Himself. God is a watcher! Again and again in the Bible we read of how He watches over the affairs of both nations and individuals. He calls us to join Him on His watch…to devote ourselves to watch and pray that we might participate with our Lord in His purposes. What an amazing privilege! Carefully consider these Scriptures that point to God on His watch:
• "I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you" (Genesis 28:15).
• "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you" (Psalm 32:8).
• "He rules forever by His power, His eyes watch the nations – let not the rebellious rise up against Him" (Psalm 66:7)
.• "The LORD will keep you from all harm – He will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore" (Psalm 121:7-8).
• "The eyes of the LORD are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good" (Proverbs 15:3).Would you today join with a watching God? He is calling His people to such an intimate place with Him that we begin to see some aspects of what He is seeing as He allows us that privilege. Our watching is for the purpose of praying into our world the purposes and plans of God. How amazing is the grace and calling of God that He would grant us the joy and favor of laboring alongside Him through watchful praying!

Lets get back to REVIVAL PRAYER

Brothers and Sisters,
This blog is a Prayer Union. Remember the purpose. Remember the agreements you have made to participate with this blog.
Sin is sin.

Jeremiah 32:38,39 "They will be my people,and I will be their God. I will give them singleness of heart AND ACTION, so that they will always fear me for their own good and the good of their children after them."

Jeremiah 33:3 "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."

Are we still praying for revival ?

I have waited for a while to put my thoughts into this blog. I have read of concerns over the conference and discussions on sin. Our job is to be on our knees. The men who organized the conference and spoke were men of God with a great passion for revival. If revival has not started in your area, ask God to start with you. Are you still praying ? Many times at the conference when several of us went to prayer, many of our "union" were no where to be found. Corporate or group prayer or individual prayer will all be heard by God. Be responsible for what YOU must DO !!

It has been 10 weeks now since a "revival Prayer meeting" was started at my church. We are still yet to see the pastor or any of the elders or leaders of the church attend. We start at 8:30 am and pray untill the early service starts at 9:30. The pastor has "popped in" twice. I am so fustrated , angry and bewildered. We have only 3 of us who show up. One is only 14 yers old. I am praising God for the promise that where 2 or 3 are gathered.... God is teaching me to trust Him. I should not be frustrated. He is at work. I should not be angry. He is at work. I should not be bewildered. He is at work. God is faithful, and will continue to be at work. I believe God will bring revival. Gods promise and instructions come from His word.I am constantly brought back to:

2 Chronicles 20:17 "You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions: stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you,..."

1. It is not my battle (or yours)
2. My position is on my knees (and yours)
3. My job is to stand firm (and yours)
4. The result will be that we will see God work ( is that your desire ?)

I must continue to pray. Let us get back to what we (GOD) started. Let us get back to sharing what God is teaching us in regards to revival. The one thing that I can tell you is that God has told me that He has heard my prayers. That is what I KNOW. Revival will come at Gods time and place. "when His people who are called by His name...."

Your brother, still in the battle,

a talk about moives

So from the question I ask, I went to talk a with the leader for prayer at the Church, Him and my friend met two days ago.

This what was brought up. Got me thinking.

Frist the talk of sin was brought up.

*Talk about the deceifulness of sin, and how many can be deceitive by sin.

* How men think little of Sin, will show how we think about God

* So the question was brought how should one think about Sin?

*If " Sin is a daring rebellion aginst the majesty of heaven and would is it were possible, pluck the eternal God from His throne! Every particale of sin contains an infinity of evil, and deserves everlasting damnation! Sin transformed the angels of light into demons of darkness. Sin rendered the happy pair in Eden wretched outcasts in a owrld of woe.

* So it was said that sin was a rebellion to God

* then James brought up, talking of how sin gives brith to death.
C.H Spurgeon.
Sin is a defiance of God to his face a stabbing of God so far as ma can do it to the very heart! Sin is a monster, a hideous thing a thing which God will not look upon, and which pure eyes cannot behold but with the untmost destesation. A flood of tears is the proper medium through which a Christain should look at sin,

* So the questions was how does God see sin?
* then brought again how are we to see in the light of How He see it?

* then the talk of fleeing from sin, and being at war
"be killing sin or it will be killing you"

It was from John Owne whcih it was talked about, that we are to moritify sin. The indwelling lust and desires.

Then the talk of discipline and staying away from things that are not honoring and pure.

To renew our minds

* then it was said that you cant take any days off alway have to be active in putting to death sin. To go war against it.

Then Holiness brought up
what does it mean to be Holy as he is Holy?
are we to see if we are holy by what others are doing, or to be like Christ?

So the question was is the things in the moives or the people in the moive doing sin, to show sin, there one is part of it, by watching it?

Is taking joy in what God hates sin?

Then the question came where in the Bible does it say we can't watch moives? Show me!

Then one brought up, Stop! Lets stop trying to find a reson to but to see if watching moive grows our walks with Christ, If they are the best thing for us.

Then this was brought out, Does Moive do this? If not why are wasting our time?

Do the bring glory to God name and he is honored.-- Do you walk away think about how great God is?
Does his holiness reverenced--- To they go againt what is God law, liying...
is the Greatness of God admired--- or is it look down, by his name being used in a wrong way
The power of God praise__ or it look down on and mocked.
Is the truth of God sought---- do you get worldy wisdom?
Is the beauty of God treasured- do we walked loving God more?
Is the Goodness savored
Is his faithfullness trusted?
promises Shown true?
Desire to keep and know the commadments of God, showing what happens when sin?
Justice of God fought for, love and desire
a fear for God
Loving the Gift of God, grace the cross, Jesus Christ
Desiring to go read the bible go share your faith, pray or love others
most to love God more..

It was a good time hearing what was said.

Good things to think about, I think will might meet next week..

It seems moived is a huge thing to many people I can understand it so part of our lives in many ways.

In Christ

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Movies and Sin...My Perspective

Brothers and Sisters,

I used to love movies...all types of movies. Though I claimed to be a Christian and had said "the magic prayer", I was entertained by the things God hates and I often ignored or was bored by the things God loves. Was I truly "saved"? By the test of God's Word, "If any man be in Christ he is a new creation...," I certainly hungered for all the things of the old man of the flesh. I acted like a Christian, and had gone forward and prayed the sinners prayer, and I had the decision card that proved I was a card-carrying Christian, but the desires of my heart were inclined towards evil, immorality and lust. Oh, I still felt sorry when I sinned, but in my police career I saw that even the most evil reprobate still will usually feel sorry when caught in his sin.

What does all of this have to do with the question of movies? About 1 year ago I was finally ready to get honest with God. I went to Him in sorrow and frustration and admitted that I was a phony...I was simply playing the Christian game. I loved many things that God hates and hated many things that God loves. Don't get me wrong. I appeared to be everything that a "good Christian" man is supposed to be, and yet my heart was far from God and desperate for the truth. When I finally got honest with God, that was the start of a process that I can only describe as revolutionary. It was as though my conscience was magnified many times and I was suddenly very aware of God's presence in my life and how my words, actions and thought life affected my relationship with Him. Almost overnight, I found it grieved the Holy Spirit to watch most shows on T.V. and to attend movies. My wife and I have always enjoyed going out to movies but we became convinced that even relatively tame PG or PG-13 movies offended the Spirit and really hurt our relationship with Christ and quenched the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Within a couple of months, cable TV was disconnected and this was an extreme adjustment for our family. That one decision has had a dramatic effect on the spiritual life of everyone in our home. Obviously, getting rid of T.V. did not eliminate all of the challenges.My teenage boys often want to see some movie that all of their friends are raving about. The standard in our home has become consistent with Phil. 4:8:
"Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things."

When you apply this standard, the decision on most movies and T.V. in general is pretty simple. Another tool we use when deciding what media is acceptable is to ask the question, "Would I be comfortable watching this with Christ in the same room?" That test will also clear up many gray areas. When we discuss these things my boys will often roll their eyes and complain, "With that standard we can't watch anything." I tell them that the day is soon coming when they will build their own homes and it will their responsibility before God to determine the standard in their own home. Until then, unfortunately for them, it is my standard that determines the entertainment in our home.

In closing I will share one recent example that illustrates the nature of this war we are fighting. A Baptist pastor friend of mine recently remarked that he wanted to share something and get my opinion. He said that whenever the Victoria's Secret Christmas commercial comes on the T.V., his 4-year-old son would run to the screen and touch the screen. The pastor and his wife think that the boy just loves the music...I beg to differ. We are raising children who are losing their innocence at extremely young ages. We recently saw in the news the story of two boys (I think they were 6 or 7) raping a girl on the school bus. I told the pastor that I thought that he should be very concerned, not only about why his young son was running to touch the screen, but also why he was comfortable watching Victoria's Secret commercials. In our grandparents' day, these commercials would have been considered X-rated.

I hope others in this union will weigh in on this issue regardless of how you feel. The standard of holiness is a foreign concept to 21st century Christians...but it remains God's standard for His people.

Your brother, Steve

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

how see sin?

Maybe some of you could help me.. I have been pondering these questions. I have been talking with others about it too..
I think answer in this matter will make a big difference in moives and
watching things in our lives.
Maybe someone has some verse to back this up

In we are to be Holy as he is holy...

But what does that look, in manner of life in America?

My question is with how someone see sin.I was talking with someone and they said that a movie that has sin in it is not sin, just reflecting sin. But the sin is in our hearts.Now as I was thinking I have some question on this and maybe someone help with Gods word on this.In a movie that has sex, is that not sin? But because it not real one might say. But is lust sin?
because I am sure those in movie may have lust?

don't those in the movie do sin, to show sin. So it would then be sin you are agreeing with?

Or is it that it is only sin, by the heart I have when I watch and reason I am going to watch it?
If we one say that movie is wrong because of sin it in, therefore say away.then they would say school books have sin in them, so how do you go to school and read?
Other thing that was said pron is for sure wrong and is sinful for all who watch.reason, would be that it cause lust in a man.. But there are other movies that may cause the same sin, on a lower leave. It is still sin?

so is sin, in it. Or is it in only in our hearts?

Thanks charlene

Sunday, December 2, 2007

J.C Ryle on Holiness

I was reading this today thought I would share. In Christ Charlene

J.C Ryle
He is the beginning of all holiness. He is not wisdom and righteousness only to His people, but sanctification also. Men sometimes try to make themselves holy first of all, and sad work they make of it: they toil, and labour, and turn over many new leaves, and make many changes, and yet, like the woman with the issue of blood before she came to Christ, they feel nothing bettered, but rather worse. They run in vain, and labour in vain: and little wonder, for they are beginning at the wrong end. They are building up a wall of sand: their work runs down as fast as they throw it up. They are baling water out of a leaky vessel; the leak gains on them; not they on the leak. Other foundation of holiness can no man lay than that which Paul laid, even Christ Jesus. Without Christ we can do nothing. It is a strong but true saying of Traill's, "Wisdom out of Christ is damning folly; righteousness out of Christ is guilt and condemnation; sanctification out of Christ is filth and sin; redemption out of Christ is bondage and slavery." Would you be holy: Would you be partakers of the Divine nature? Then go to Christ. Wait for nothing: wait for nobody: linger not. Think not to make you yourself ready: go, and say to Him, in the words of that beautiful hymn,— "Nothing in my hand I bring,Simply to Thy cross I cling;Naked, flee to Thee for dress;Helpless, look to Thee for grace." There is not a brick nor a stone laid in the work of our sanctification till we go to Christ. Holiness is His special gift to His believing people; holiness is the work He carries on in their hearts, by the Spirit whom He puts within them. He is appointed a Prince and a Saviour, to give repentance as well as remission of sins: to as many as receive Him He gives power to become sons of God. Holiness comes not of blood,—parents cannot give it to their children; nor yet of the will of the flesh,—man cannot produce it in himself; nor yet of the will of man, —ministers cannot give it you by baptism. Holiness comes from Christ. It is the result of vital union with Him: it is the fruit of being a living branch of the true vine. Go then to Christ, and say, "Lord, not only save me from the guilt of sin, but send the Spirit, whom Thou didst promise, and save me from its power. Make me holy. Teach me to do Thy will." Would you continue holy, when you have once been made so? Then abide in Christ. He says Himself, "Abide in Me, and I in you. He that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit" (John xv. 4, 5). He is the Physician to whom You must daily go, if you would keep well; He is the Manna which you must daily eat, and the Rock of which you must daily drink. His arm is the arm on which you must daily lean, as you come up out of the wilderness of this world. You must not only be rooted, you must also be built up in Him. Reader, may you and I know these things by experience, and not by hearsay only! May we all feel the importance of holiness, far more than we have ever done yet! May our years he holy years with our souls, and then I know they will be happy ones! But this I say once more, "We must be holy."He is the beginning of all holiness. He is not wisdom and righteousness only to His people, but sanctification also. Men sometimes try to make themselves holy first of all, and sad work they make of it: they toil, and labour, and turn over many new leaves, and make many changes, and yet, like the woman with the issue of blood before she came to Christ, they feel nothing bettered, but rather worse. They run in vain, and labour in vain: and little wonder, for they are beginning at the wrong end. They are building up a wall of sand: their work runs down as fast as they throw it up. They are baling water out of a leaky vessel; the leak gains on them; not they on the leak. Other foundation of holiness can no man lay than that which Paul laid, even Christ Jesus. Without Christ we can do nothing. It is a strong but true saying of Traill's, "Wisdom out of Christ is damning folly; righteousness out of Christ is guilt and condemnation; sanctification out of Christ is filth and sin; redemption out of Christ is bondage and slavery." Would you be holy: Would you be partakers of the Divine nature? Then go to Christ. Wait for nothing: wait for nobody: linger not. Think not to make you yourself ready: go, and say to Him, in the words of that beautiful hymn,— "Nothing in my hand I bring,Simply to Thy cross I cling;Naked, flee to Thee for dress;Helpless, look to Thee for grace." There is not a brick nor a stone laid in the work of our sanctification till we go to Christ. Holiness is His special gift to His believing people; holiness is the work He carries on in their hearts, by the Spirit whom He puts within them. He is appointed a Prince and a Saviour, to give repentance as well as remission of sins: to as many as receive Him He gives power to become sons of God. Holiness comes not of blood,—parents cannot give it to their children; nor yet of the will of the flesh,—man cannot produce it in himself; nor yet of the will of man, —ministers cannot give it you by baptism. Holiness comes from Christ. It is the result of vital union with Him: it is the fruit of being a living branch of the true vine. Go then to Christ, and say, "Lord, not only save me from the guilt of sin, but send the Spirit, whom Thou didst promise, and save me from its power. Make me holy. Teach me to do Thy will." Would you continue holy, when you have once been made so? Then abide in Christ. He says Himself, "Abide in Me, and I in you. He that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit" (John xv. 4, 5). He is the Physician to whom You must daily go, if you would keep well; He is the Manna which you must daily eat, and the Rock of which you must daily drink. His arm is the arm on which you must daily lean, as you come up out of the wilderness of this world. You must not only be rooted, you must also be built up in Him. Reader, may you and I know these things by experience, and not by hearsay only! May we all feel the importance of holiness, far more than we have ever done yet! May our years he holy years with our souls, and then I know they will be happy ones! But this I say once more, "We must be holy."

Saturday, December 1, 2007


I thankful for words that have spoken in these last two post. There is much truth. I can't even start to tell of what God showed me throug this trip. Since I have been back it has been one big trail. I haven't prayed as I should, it some ways I feel how can I speak. But when I read this my heart jumped, it pounded. There is truth and my heart weeps.

I have written something last night at 2am. But I will not post until I go back and pray and seek God on words that are there. Do pray for me in this area. I desire not to post for man, but for God and his glory. If done by me, then all you hear is me. But if prayed for and Christ writting through me, then I am hidden and Christ then he can be seen.

Our brother has words that are true. I am very thankful you have spoken these things.

And to all the Brothers who prayed for me in Ohio. I send my thanks.

In His Love

Comments Regarding Alec's Post

Brothers and Sisters,

I appreciate Alec's honesty and transparency so much! As I read his post it seemed a striking confirmation of so many things that I have been convicted about recently. I just started a book that details the revival of the late 60's and early 70's in Indonesia (Like a Mighty Wind by Mel Tari), and here again I read that the Holy Spirit was poured out in power on these believers as 200 people cried out in corporate prayer to God. This happened in a VERY conservative Presbyterian church that formerly only allowed written prayers to be read. As the Holy Spirit suddenly prompted members of the congregation to cry out to God in corporate prayer in UNISON, the pastors tried to stop them from such disorder (they attributed this to the Enemy). But, this spontaneous move of corporate prayer and confession was confirmed by a miraculous move of the Holy Spirit that sounds exactly like Pentecost. There was repentance leading to salvation, repentance of Christians that led to restored relationships with God and man and spontaneous worship that was undirected by man. The pastors were helpless to intervene and that evening the sermon was delivered by an uneducated layman who shared that God was now directing the congregation to go out by teams immediately and spread the gospel.

This book that I have referenced is over 30 years old but I just discovered it and had found many people critical of this account since some equate it with the "signs and wonders" movement. As I read it I am becoming more and more convinced that the detractors are not so much concerned about a false doctrine, but are more concerned with explaining away our own weak and powerless faith.

I have not finished this book so I can't report today my conclusions. I will however challenge you to carefully consider Alec's words. I must prayerfully consider more of this in light of my experiences in Canton and I hope others who were there will weigh in as the Lord leads.

I, for one, agree completely with Alec and I have been searching to diagnose what went wrong in Canton and how things got off-track. Alec's post is a powerful and truthful assessment of several troubling practices that seem to keep us at arm's length from revival.

God Bless each one of you on this journey.


Friday, November 30, 2007

Conference Report

Dear Brothers,
It was good to be with you at Canton. I am sorry I have not been in touch since then, but I have been very busy, and am only now getting round to typing this at nearly three o` clock in the morning.
I am sure we all have our own feelings about the conference, but may I be allowed to give you my honest thoughts. Dave already knows about these, as I have posted them to him as he is one of The Interceders.
I thought that the conference was very well organized, and things went according to plan. The venue was large and more than adequate for the purpose. The speakers all spoke very well. The attendance was good, though much less than the number who had booked.
One of the noticeable things was the presence of some large families of Christian parents. I was very impressed to see them, not only well dressed and well behaved, but also attentive to what was said to them. They were in such contrast to the badly behaved, noisy, disrespectful, selfish anddisobedient children and young people so prevalent in the churches here in Britain. America is a land of contrasts. On the one hand, all the worst excesses of child and teenage rebellion have come from that country, but, on the other hand, there is a measure of spirituality and church attendanceand Bible believing and religious observance that is no longer found in Britain, and I, for one, think we should thank God for that.
There were some wonderful speakers at the conference, including some who had experienced
revival, but I was disappointed that more did not happen, and I believe God was disappointed also. Many of us had prayed for some time that God would visit us in power at Canton, and Daryl Miller, the pastor who was responsible for the conference being held in Canton, believed that the programme would not be concluded, because God would intervene. So why did this not happen?
I believe there were two main reasons for this. Firstly we allowed the focus of the conference
to move away from God to the speakers. It may not have been intended and it may not have been a large move, but it was enough to make it just a speaking conference, as I feared it would.
Secondly, the speakers themselves moved the focus of the conference away from an urgent
plea for God to have mercy on America and the Western World to a personal, individual response to what was being said.
When I visited the Trinity Gospel Temple, where the conference was to be held, two or three
days before it started, the sense of the presence of the Lord when I stood on the platform was so strong that I felt I had to pray openly. Daryl Miller was standing there in front of me, and all I
could do was to plead for God to have mercy on us and on the country. I am sure when God
truly visits us, we will all feel terribly unworthy of Him, and will call out for Him to have mercy
on us.
The evening before the conference started, a prayer meeting was held in the church building
where the conference was originally planned to be held; and it was a powerful time of prayer,
people praying individually and in small groups.
On the first day of the conference, a long period of prayer was held, just for the speakers. All
this was good and right, for by the following day, the sense of the Lord`s presence was so strong
that I was completely broken in spirit before Him, and wanted to tell everyone about Him. That
to me, however, was the high point , for the power then waned.
I am convinced that we were disobedient to the Lord. We were not all united in prayer, and
crying out to God to revive His work. There was no corporate sense of desperation, no agonizing,
no travail. We did not all lift up our voices together to God and pray to Him, as we should have
done. Consequently, the place where we were gathered was not shaken, and we were not all filled with the Holy Spirit, nor did we speak the word of God with boldness. (Acts. 4: 24-31)
Once the meetings addressed by speakers started on the first evening of the conference proper, there were no more open prayer meetings. Each speaking session did not lead to a time of corporate prayer, as it should have done, but merely to an opportunity for people to respond in their own personal prayer.
Thus it was that we failed collectively, and I failed personally. Before the conference I had a
dream or vision in which I saw myself at the conference. The speakers were speaking, but we
were not having times of corporate prayer. I felt so disappointed that I got up from my seat and
addressed the conference, saying that we were not there to hear speakers, but to pray and ask
God to come down. I then started to pray from the front. The tragedy was that what I had
feared actually took place. We had speaker after speaker with no corporate prayer following,
but I did not get up to intervene as I should have done. Somehow, the devil had his way, and
made me forget all about my dream.
Moreover, to make matters worse, a man from a church in Canton spoke to me before the
conference and told me that the Lord had revealed to him that I would be standing up on the
platform speaking. I merely told him that I wasn`t one of the speakers! It seems incredible
that the devil made me forget about that as well, or that I had become so insensitive to the
Holy Spirit that I did not do what He wanted me to do. All I remember was that I just felt
terribly disappointed. Either way, I have apologized to the Lord about it , and I apologize to
you now, brothers, and trust I have learned from what happened.
That is why I believe God was very disappointed. However, our God is a gracious,
forgiving God, and I am sure He still wants to do a great work in the city of Canton, Ohio,
which, I was told, has more churches per head of population than any other place in the U.S.A.
I met two people there, who had set up an interdenominational house of prayer, and who had
been praying for at least two years for God to come down in power on the city, yet who knew
nothing about the conference until just a few weeks before it took place! They were so thrilled
to learn of it taking place, and to be there. I feel we let them down.
When Carter Conlan, the pastor of Times Square Church in New York City, spoke at the
conference, he said he had never herd of Canton, Ohio, and it caused me to think of Nathaniel
thinking that nothing good could come out of Nazareth. That is why I am convinced that God
does want to do something there, especially when I think of Daryl Miller and his yearning for
revival, and when I think of Dave Lombardi, the pastor of Trinity Gospel Temple, a lovely man,
who has been there for over 40 years, and who has seen his church go right down. He and his
members gave the building and the facilities quite freely to the conference. He deserves to see
the Lord visit the place and come down in power. Moreover, one of the speakers, Richard
Sipley, who experienced a touch of revival in Akron, the neighbouring city, in 1972, has felt
the call of the Lord to return to the area from Canada. So it appears that the Lord had already been preparing the ground for another time of visitation.
So I feel we should continue to pray for Canton, for all the pastors there, especially Daryl Miller, Dave Lombardi and Richard Sipley, that the Lord will answer their prayers and revive His work there.
My experience in Canton has strengthened my conviction that to see the Lord work, we have to pray and not lose heart, as Jesus said. (Lk.18:1) We have to build on what we have. My study of revivals and awakenings has led me to believe that God rends the heavens and pours out His Spirit when his people build up such a momentum of prayer that they rise way above the levels reached at other times, until a breakthrough is made.
When prayers are focussed upon God working in a particular place or area, or upon a particular preacher or preachers, and these prayers are maintained, and not allowed to subside, but increased to the point of desperation and great faith, then a breakthrough is made and the Spirit is poured out. This is why praying occasionally will never achieve the desired result, for that only takes our prayers up so far, and then we go down again, and past victories are not built upon. We have to maintain and increase the momentum to achieve a breakthrough, and not be sidetracked or dampened down by anything else We are tempted to be satisfied with what we have done or what has been achieved, when the Lord always has greater things in store for us. He wants to send the fire.
We need to maintain the hammering away at the gates of heaven, (while letting God break us
and remake us and refine us and increase our faith,) until we will not take no for an answer, and until God, seeing that we are really determined, that we are willing to pay the price, that we are
really focussed on Him and nothing else, and are ready to receive what He wants to give,
releases His power, and comes in like a pent up flood.
I believe that could have happened at Canton, if we had maintained and increased the
momentum, and it could happen in our own places if we apply the same principles. Please
let me know what you think and feel before the Lord.
Certainly we need to pray for the Lord to increase our faith, our persistence and our
to pray that we will go further in our prayers than we have ever gone before;
to pray that we will maintain our momentum, and will build up on the highest place we have
ever reached before;
to pray for the Holy Spirit to take hold of us and intercede through us with sighs too deep
for words (Rom.8;26);
to pray for the Holy Spirit to teach us how how to strive and wrestle in prayer:
“When the Holy Spirit comes and fills the soul with his beloved presence, prayer
becomes more than a cry. It ceases to be a feeble request, and often becomes a strife for
greater things, a conflict, an invincible argument, a wrestling with God; and through it men
enter into the divine councils.” (Samuel Logan Brengle)

“Lord, lead us through to victory. Let us not be satisfied with anything less. Increase our
fervency and zeal. Cause us to be so taken over by the Spirit of God, that we are taken up into
that realm where we touch the throne, where we lay hold on You and your power, and
command it to be released.
Inspire us, inflame us, stir us up to seek You with greater passion, and not let go until our
prayers are answered, the breakthrough is made, the heavens are rent, the mountains are shaken, Your name is made known to Your enemies, the nations tremble at Your presence, the Spirit is poured out from on high, and the Lord Jesus Christ is honoured, enthroned and adored.”
Yours for Him alone

Monday, November 19, 2007

25 A.D. Who Will I Serve This Hour?

Greetings fellow travelers,

In past days I have been spending my study time in Romans. It is a good place to spend quality time with my Lord and it speaks directly to my daily struggles.

"Knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin. For he who has died has been freed from sin." Romans 6:6-7

As we near the one-month anniversary since Canton, I have been recently asking myself, "Which master will I serve this hour, this morning, this day?" It seems that throughout my day, my decisions show a conflict between serving my former master (Satan), and serving my Lord Jesus Christ. Every time I behave selfishly, I invite my old master to step in and affix his chains. When I recognize my sin and feel the familiar misery of my old master, I repent and Jesus graciously comes and unlocks the shackles, setting me free once again.

Because I know the sweet taste of freedom in Christ, I now despise the bitterness of sin. Yet long ago, my flesh developed an affection for this putrid taste. In the same way that the drunk in the park can swig an entire bottle of Listerine, my old man of the flesh has a great appreciation for the bitter taste of sin.

The truth revealed in Romans 6:6-7 is that I am no longer powerless in my chains. Before I was redeemed (bought), I was hopelessly bound and powerless to get free from my master. Jesus broke the chains and gave me the power and authority to never again be in that hopeless condition. When I sin, I now willingly allow my enemy to bind me in his chains, but, thanks be to God, he can only keep me there as long as I allow him to. It is as though I am back in my former prison, but this time, because of the power of Christ, I have the key to the prison doors. I will remain in prison only as long as I desire. Unfortunately, every visit to this prison leaves me filthy and reeking of the stench of sin. Only the blood of Christ can wash me clean.

What a miserable body of sin I inhabit! No sooner am I back in communion with my Lord, than my old cruel master comes to me as an Angel of Light, He holds out that bitter bottle of Sin, and says "Come on you old drunk, you know you want a taste." And like the old drunk in park, I am tempted. As soon as I take my eyes off Christ, my attention goes back to that bottle.

I guess from the tone of this post you can tell what my past month has been like. I know that ultimate victory is certain and that God has so much for us to do in His service. But more than our service, I know He wants our hearts. He wants me to abandon that old master forever and enjoy the sweet taste of fellowship with Him.

I intended to share some thoughts from Carter Conlon's message at the conference but I've been sidetracked. Next time. For now it has been good for me to get this down in writing. I pray I will be more conscious of the bitterness of sin and the sweetness of fellowship with Him.

Pressing forward, Steve

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

We're Back!....but where were YOU? 6 A.D.

After 134 days of build-up, praying, fasting and dreaming about what God would reveal in Canton on October 23-25, 2007....the conference has come and gone. I remember my excitement as we drove up to the church 1 hr. before the start of the conference. I remember checking to be sure I was at the right place. The large parking lot was deserted except for a few cars scattered up near the main entrance. For a split second I thought "Oh no! I've got the dates mixed up!", but then I noticed the large sign announcing that yes, this was the first day of the conference.

I was puzzled as I walked in the front door of the church and saw several small groups of people scattered about the foyer. Where was everyone? I remember reading that over 1100 had registered. I thought perhaps they are all gathered in the sanctuary getting prepared for the concert of prayer scheduled to start at 1:00 p.m. I was momentarily distracted as I caught sight of my brother Bill, waiting just inside the front doors of the church. We quickly found Alec and our group was together for the first time. What a thrill to be with like-minded brothers!

We walked in the huge sanctuary for the Concert of Prayer and once again, I was stunned...the place was almost empty! Where was everybody? We took seats in the front row, dropped our jackets and bags, and headed to a distant corner that was to become our "special" prayer closet. That distant corner at the front of the sanctuary was hallowed ground as we continually gathered here over the 3 days to pray. As we got down to the business at hand, our prayers became focused and the empty sanctuary faded into the background as each man prepared his heart to hear from God. I noticed our prayers were directed inward as we all realized our unworthiness and distance from our Holy God. As brothers cried out in repentance and worship, I knew that God was preparing us for an adventure unlike anything we had ever known.

As I review my notes, there are so many things that God revealed through His humble servants. This gathering, and the men that coordinated it, was so unlike anything I have ever known. The atmosphere was steeped in humility and each man esteemed others as greater than himself. It was a true picture of the authentic church as our elders worshipped with us and exhorted us to go deeper with God. In the hallways and restrooms we would talk with mighty men of God who willingly took the time to listen to our burdens and pray with us. The following list contains some of the deep messages of truth that God revealed to me over those precious 3 days.

From Richard Shipley, God revealed:

1. What is wrong with God's people? They live in the wicked way of worldliness, powerlessness, and are passionless.
2. Am I willing to be hated by the world?
3.Which would disturb me most, my neighbor dying and going to hell, or, a scratch on my new car?
4.Worldliness: To give priority to the things of the world rather than the things of God.
5.The only prescription for worldliness: Galatians 2:20 = DEATH
6.Look forward to heaven and NEVER look for heaven on earth.
7.I am an alien...I do not belong to this world.
8.God's love will never be real to me until I honestly ask God to search my heart and reveal any wickedness (worldliness) in me. Until then, God's love is just a concept, not a reality.
9.I will never be worthy of the Father's is only by His grace.(both boys in the parable of the Prodigal son were equally unworthy of the father's love...the difference is in their heart attitude. The Prodigal recognized he was unworthy while the older son was righteously indignant...he considered himself worthy.

Don Currin:
Amos 6:1-8 (addressed to the spiritually complacent)
What does it mean to be "at ease in Zion"?
  • to be careless, secure, resting on prosperity and complacent
  • one at ease with a comfortable life
  • neglect of God, living indifferently, neglect of prayer
  • "Where there is no holy living, there is no Holy Ghost." J.C. Ryle
  • II Cor. 5:15 "and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again."

Effects of "living at ease":

  • Complacency about approaching judgement
  • love for pleasure
  • Sensual entertainment..."If you are on the narrow road you will be narrow-minded."

The Test for Music:

  • Can I hear the Word of God clearly over the music? (Sinners must be able to hear and understand God's Word)
  • Does the music enlarge my vision of God?
  • Does it produce the fruit of holiness in my life?
  • Does the music sedate the mind and appeal to the body?

How to stir from Complacency?

  • Remove ANY DOUBTFUL PRACTICE that may cause my spiritual passion to wane.
  • Resolve to live only for eternity.
  • Count not your life dear unto yourself.
  • Never be content with where I am spiritually. Phil. 3:14

I realize this has been a long post and I will close for today. I look forward to sharing more truth in future posts that God revealed through other servants. If you missed Canton you missed a spiritual feast...a banquet unlike anything I have ever experienced. I am heartbroken that in the supposed "one nation under God", His church was too distracted to attend the feast. Reminds me of a parable....

I grieve for the sorry state of our faith in America and I fear that my children will "reap the whirlwind." If God would not spare the apple of His eye, how can He not pour judgement out on us, for surely our wickedness rises to the heavens as a wretched stench.

Canton was a wake-up call and the North American church DID NOT simply roll over and go back to sleep....THEY COMPLETELY SLEPT THROUGH THE ALARM! They never stirred.

Thank God that revival is coming and I pray I will live long enough to see it. I know that revival is coming...for persecution is surely coming. David Wilkerson has said that revival cannot come to North America until God destroys our materialistic idols of money and toys, and eliminates our distractions so we will hear HIM.

As the Lord gives us the grace to continue, I trust that the CPU blog will be a historical record that future men can access to see how God brought revival in...2007, or 2008, or 2009....He will bring revival. Could it begin today?

Watching for His appearing.....Steve

Message from a DEAD MAN !

After 134 days BC (Before Canton), We are now into day 5 AD (after death). I truly thank God for our time in Canton. A revival has begun. It has begun in me. The conference was not what I had expected ( I really don't know if I had any clear idea of what to expect), it was not even what I really wanted to hear, BUT it was exactly what God needed to say to me. I called my wife the night before returning home to tell her that her "2nd husband" was coming home, and that her first husband (me) had "died" in Canton. God had much to tell me, and much to remove in my life. I am certain that God is not finished with me but will continue the work He has begun. Praise God. Some may claim that we had a mountain top experience but I declare no, no, it was a "hill top" experience. I had to go back to the hill where the cross is and get back on it. I have been crucified with Christ!
I arrived home with great excitement ready to begin this journey with my Lord and to watch and be involved in His revival of His people. I am deeply saddened by the apathy I am greeted with. We had started a prayer meeting (specifically for revival) before the morning service at our church, 4 weeks prior to leaving for Canton. I was excited to return to the prayer room at our church and be joined with the people who had said that they wanted to pray for revival. There were 4 of us. Myself, Tim (a brother who joined me in Canton), and 2 14 year old girls. Praise God for the youth who prayed with broken hearts, and praise God for my faithful brother Tim,....but my heart aches for the lack of "men of God" who are desperate for revival. Where are the church leaders? God is teaching me about trusting Him, but I long for the church to wake up. "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then...." 2 Chron.7:14. It appears that there is a sense of satisfaction with how things are (God have mercy on us). I am certain that God is not pleased. I WILL continue to pray for revival, even if I am alone in that. I will be one of those "hidden springs" that we heard about at the conference. I will soon stand back in awe of what God has done. There will be nothing that man can take credit for (guard my heart,O God against spiritual pride), we will see God at work in his people. On Oct 7, God said "I have heard your prayers". I am incredibly encouraged with this word from my Lord, and am satisfied that revival will come. We will continue to pray and wait upon Gods timing. It is my prayer today that God will show me anything in my life today that is grieving his heart and hindering His work.
I will share a few of my "Canton" verses that the Lord gave to me. "...we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon YOU." 2 Chron. 20:12. When discouragement set in with the small attendance at the first post Canton prayer meeting, God showed me what my role must be. I read a little further in this same chapter to find verse 17 "You will not have to fight this battle. TAKE UP YOUR POSITIONS(on my knees); STAND FIRM AND SEE...."
Praise God, it is not for me to worry about, it is the Lords battle, I must get on my knees (my "position") and stand firm ( do not waiver or grow weary).
My other "Canton" verse is Philippians 4:8 " Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable,- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think on such things." This scripture has been such a blessing and a safe guard of reminding me that I have made a "calculated covenant with my eyes, my mind and my lips." Thank you Kieth for this message.
Finally the verse of my life from 1 AD and onward, "I have been crucified with Christ..." Gal. 2:20. Why has it taken me so long to recognize that it does not say come "to" the cross, but it says "get on the cross". I am most thankful for this truth. I am a new man because Christ lives in me!
I have so much more that I would like to share here, but I must move on. I will close with a quote from T A Hegre's book, "The Cross and Sanctification"

"Furthermore,if one does want to step out in faith,he must almost "go it alone"; he must be a pioneer, with the dead weight of an unbelieving church holding him back. Now is the very time, therefore, for those who are willing to believe God and willing to take His Word as it is, to refuse to let the devil steal from them any fragment of it"

Praise God for what He IS doing!!!

Your brother in the battle,

Monday, October 22, 2007

See You in the PRAYER ROOM !!!

Brothers, I am ready. Lord Jesus,continue to make me "more ready" in any area of my life that I may be stubbornly hanging on to. Let there be nothing that will come in the way of this REVIVAL that God is about to bring.

You brother in the Battle,

Looking Back....And Looking Forward

134 days ago we started a journey that seemed far, far in the distance. I have had a habit in my life of starting "journeys" like a ball of fire and then slowly fizzling out like a 4th of July sparkler. Much heat and excitement inevitably gave way to cold, dead ashes.

Today, on the eve of leaving for Canton, I have tried to identify what was different about this journey? There are several things that have sustained me for these past 4+ months. I record them here so I will never forget that good intentions and a quick blaze cannot sustain for the long haul. These have been the difference in sustaining me on this journey:

1. The prayers and regular contact with brothers also in the battle. There were several times during this journey that the enemy had me on my back. I was tired, and struggling with those depressing whispers that, "Nothing has changed, you are just as weak and hopeless as you ever will fail again, just like every other time you decided to step out in faith." As the whispers got louder and more consistent, invariably, something would happen. One of my brothers in this Union would phone me, or, a new message would be posted to this blog and suddenly the fire sprang back to life and the flames pushed the Whisperer back into the shadows. Thank you men for being "the difference" between success and failure. I know it was the Holy Spirit who saw my plight and had compassion on my weakness. "A friend loves at all times and a brother is born for adversity." Proverbs 17:7

2. This quest was born out of a deep frustration and dissatisfaction with my own Christian walk and the Christianity that I see around me every day. In May I was as frustrated as I ever have been and I felt ready to do something drastic....something life-changing. I told my wife that if this North American Christianity is all there is, I don't want to be called a Christian. How can we calmly go through our days living out such a lie? Does it not occur to anyone else that our lives are radically different than the abundant life promised by our Savior? If we aren't dead, we must at least admit we are on life-support. What is the answer to this spiritual sickness in our souls?

At a critical crossroads, I did what I usually do when I'm ready to be honest. I called a trusted long-time brother and surprisingly, he was feeling exactly the same way. This brother and I have a long history of "dreaming". We dream of getting off the bench and into the real game of life and death, where men's soul's hang in the balance. We dream of following in the footsteps of our Savior who lived such a radical love. We dream of following the faithful witness of troublemakers like C.T. Studd, Rees Howell, etc.

Out of that one phone call, the CPU was formed. It was born out of frustration, but men, we are in good company. Examine the following quote:

"I want the presence of God Himself, or I don't want anything at all to do with religion...I want all that God has or I don't want any." A.W.Tozer

I believe this has sustained us as we have prayed and fasted and dreamed of what would happen if God were to really invade our lives. At some point we must decide, "Is the North American Christian experience enough for me? Am I content to go to my grave with this pitiful, powerless faith that keeps me going through the motions?" Am I willing to admit that I am regrettably warming a pew in the lukewarm church of Revelation 3?" For 134 days we have shouted "NO!" and now we embark on the first leg of our journey.

I am anxious to finally sit down with each of you and seek the face of God. Let us cry out for revival in our own hearts and be ready to share what God reveals to each one of us.


Your brother, Steve

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

For This Last Week....Will You LISTEN?


Our exciting journey is nearing the first checkpoint. Yes, I believe this is but the first of many significant markers that God has in store for any man who will continue the wholehearted pursuit of HIM.

In the past two days I have talked with several of you dear brothers and my excitement grows with every conversation and every exchanged email. God is doing the work that He promised He would do, as we have tried in our struggling and stumbling way to walk 135 days in focused prayer and intercession for each other, and His bride. We desperately need revival and today He has focused my mind on a section of scripture that I have never noticed before. Prayerfully consider the following:

"Walk prudently when you go to the house of God; and draw near to hear rather than to give the sacrifice of fools, for they do not know that they do evil. Do not be rash with your mouth, and let not your heart utter anything hastily before God. For God is in heaven and you on earth; Therefore, let your words be few." Ecclesiastes 5:1-2

Even during these past days, I have many times offered the "sacrifice of fools" in my private prayer time. I have rushed into the presence of God and blurted out my hurried and hectic prayers and then, glancing at my watch, I have rushed back to my crazy, noisy world.

There have been many words over these past months, words of prayer, words on this blog, words in email, words spoken in messages we have all been encouraged by. I really feel that now, for these last few days of this segment of our journey, I need to get quiet and still before God and listen to HIM. It hurts every ounce of my flesh to be still and quiet because I have been conditioned to noise, to movement, to blurting out things I haven't adequately thought out. I need rest and I need peace before my Lord. I need to heed His word, "Be still, and know that I am God."

If you, like me, want to be open, available and honest before God, would you consider for these last few days before we meet in Canton, to be quiet and still before our awesome God?

When I spoke with Bill and Billy earlier this week, I was humbled to hear how God is moving and working in our very midst! What would God speak to your heart this week if now, as you approach a huge milestone on your journey, you were to simply seek His face in quietness and stillness before His throne.

I look forward to gathering together for the first time as the Canton Prayer Union and hearing how God has worked over the past 135 days. It has been my privilege to have traveled this path with you.

Looking expectantly towards Canton...

Your brother, Steve

Monday, October 15, 2007

Our Numbers are Growing

Praise God for the 2 men who have decided to join us in Canton. Justin and Tim. Brothers, please pray for these men. They will now become a bigger threat to the ruler of this world. They will need our daily prayers as our Lord prepares their hearts for our journey to Canton. The enemy comes to destroy, but our Lord comes that we may have abundant life. This life is through his Holy Spirit. Continue to pray for the other 3 seats in my van (4 seats if we sit real close). I am getting very excited about joining all of you in the prayer room in Canton. Pray and seek after God like you never have before. Flee if you must, stand firm if you can , but be on guard always. The enemy is a liar.Run after Godliness. Pray, pray and then pray again !
Your brother in the battle,

Friday, October 12, 2007

Plans to Connect in Canton....11 Days to go!

Greetings Brothers,

Alec, I appreciate your recent posts and I am following the "Divine Experiment". Forgive me for my lapse in posting It has been an absolute crazy past three weeks with many, many distractions. I have been fighting the most dreaded 4-letter word in the English language....B-U-S-Y. It seems that the enemy's most successful tactic with me lately is to get me so overwhelmed with many "necessary" things that my time with my Savior is squeezed and cramped. As I have burned the candle at both ends, I naturally got sick and have been struggling for the past week with a virus that has left me drained and exhausted. Why do we let our lives get so chaotic and hectic?

It seems that we have become so used to running on adrenaline in this culture, that unless you are frantically running every minute for 18hrs per day, we feel that something is wrong. I have set aside Mon. Oct. 22nd as a day of fasting and prayer in preparation for Canton. I know I need a day of quiet reflection (I actually need a week!) to prepare my heart and get "still" in His presence. I will not allow my schedule to deliver me to Canton exhausted and weak. I appreciate your prayers and am thrilled that we will all be together soon.

I recently had a brother ask me if there would be opportunity for some relaxation at this conference so we can relax and get to know each other better. The way this question was asked, led me to believe that this brother was hoping perhaps we could carve out some conference time to socialize. Please don't take this the wrong way, but my prayer for Canton is not that we would find necessary time to socialize. Of course I look forward to meeting and sharing with my brothers, new and old but...Canton for me is the only time this year that I have devoted any meaningful period of time to join with a like-minded body of hungry believers to cry out to God for revival. I am burdened for the church and our country, but selfishly I must confess that I am first and foremost desperate for revival in my own personal relationship with God. So while I am certain we will have much time to share and get to know one another better as we travel back and forth to the hotel etc., I also know that as the Lord gives me strength, I need to be at every session from start to finish. This includes the times of corporate prayer.

Brothers, I feel like a starving man, and I'm subsisting now on crumbs and scraps. I desperately need to be fed by my Heavenly Father and we have now been praying for over 120 days for this very thing. Let's not get distracted by socializing. Let's make sure we show up in Canton prepared. As Paul describes the necessary conditioning of an athlete, let's start preparing far in advance to make sure we arrive rested, and not weary; healthy, not sick; humbled and prepared to hear from God, not distracted by any worldly concerns. This journey has been a true blessing in so many ways and I'm so thankful for each one of the members in this union. As we meet in Canton I know that the Lord will be faithful as His greatest desire is to be intimately involved in every area of our lives.

I am suggesting that the members of the Canton Prayer Union all meet on Tues. at 12:30 p.m. directly inside the main door of the church. (let's say as we walk in the doors, gather to the left side of the entrance.) I am sending Alec an email picture of me so he will recognize me. If we can gather at 12:30 we will be able to exchange greetings and sit together for the first corporate prayer session. I can't wait until we all gather together and we can corporately pray for the first time in person as the Canton Prayer Union. Let's continue to lift one another up and pray for safety as we travel. I will have a sign that says "C.P.U." on it so Alec can get hooked up with us. I have a rental vehicle and Bill also has a vehicle so we will have no problems with transportation. As of right now we are 5 in number. We have 6 double beds available in three reserved rooms. We can always add cots if necessary. We are not a large group, but this group has meant so much to me. Let's pray for any other brother that the Lord would impress to join us. Bill currently has room in his vehicle coming from Ontario and I have invited several other men. I have ceased trying to persuade and now simply make the offer to any the Spirit would lead to join our group. Five is a great number....and three more than John Hyde had as he started the Punjab Prayer Union.

Press on brothers and thank-you for your continuing prayers.

Your brother, Steve

Monday, October 8, 2007

Floods on the dry ground

Dear Brothers,
I still feel very unworthy to be part of the Canton Prayer Union, but praise the Lord for it. It has become something very precious to me. "O God, make us all absolutely real with You and with each other."
Thank you, brothers for your blogs, for your prayers and for your fellowship in the gospel.
I would like to follow up what Steve said about praying for those who will be attending the conference, and especially the speakers. Pray against the attacks of Satan. The devil will be working overtime to destroy everything to do with this conference. So claim the protection of the blood of Jesus on yourselves, on all the speakers, on all the attenders, on all the travelling to and from the conference, and on all the arrangements. Bind "the strong man." Pray that the devil will have no influence, that he will not get even a toehold in, and that only the Lord Jesus will be exalted.Pray against pride in any form. Pray for Greg Gordon and all the speakers, that they will be kept humble before the Lord. Pray that they will think and live and prepare in the light of eternity.
"Lord, cause them to live pure, holy and simple lives before the world, that the evil one may find no occasion to trip them up. Instruct them so that they say only what You want them to say, and say it with passion and with tears. Lord, use them to start a fire that will never be put out, that will sweep across America and the Western world. Lord, we are tired of anaemic Christianity. We want to see reality. We want to see You in all your grace and glory and holiness. Lord we are thirsty, and the land is dry, and You have promised to pour water on him who is thirsty, and floods on the dry ground, so we stand on Your word, and claim Your promise. O Lord hear, O Lord forgive , O Lord, have mercy, and do a work in these days that will make people`s ears tingle.
"Once, in Romania, I saw the Lord do a work that I would not have believed was possible. He poured out His Spirit and did a work of conviction that I could never have done in a thousand years. Let us pray and believe that God will do a work at Canton that we would never believe if it was told us, a work so wonderful and amazing that only He can do; greater than anything seen before. "Lord, increase our faith."
Bound together with you in the name of Jesus


A Canadian Thanksgiving

Happy (Canadian) Thanksgiving from your Canadian brother who is so very, very thankful. I am thankful for my brothers who have to committed to pray with and for me. Billy ,thank you for your e-mail. God only knows what your prayers have proteted me and my family from. I am thankful for my brother who I will meet for the first time in Canton. I look forward to the day when God may show us the true effect of our prayers. Thank you Alec for your gift to us of "The Divine Experiment. Today is Day 9-Desparate Hunger. I am more hungry today than ever before. I will also meet you for the first time in Canton. I am thankful for the brothers who I will be bringing to Canton with me in my Van. Right now my van is empty but I am trusting God to fill it with other men who are hungry and desire to have God REVIVE us. God is faithful. I am thankful for my brothers who will join me in praying for my van to be full. My son Davey called me yesteday to tell me that his friend from Mexico has e-mailed his church (in Mexico) about the conference, and said expect a "Mexican invaision". I am eternally thankful for my brother Steve. You may never know until we are in our Lords presence , how much your friendship and example have meant to me. Your crown awaits. Continue to run the race, brother.
I am thankful for answered prayer as I "reluctantly" met with my pastor this week. God humbled me and proved his faithfulness once again. I shared my desire to pray for revival in our Church. The meeting went far better than I had anticipated. Just be faithful and leave the consequences to ME, God told me. Praise God !! I told him that I felt led to begin a prayer meeting at the chuech on Sunday morning at 8:30 am. We will pray for REVIVAL. What a glorious time we had ... all 3 of us... my wife Debbie, Tim (another hungry brother) and myself. "Where 2 or 3 are gathered.... Thank you Holy Spirit for being there. During the church servive I had an overwhelming and miraculous sense of peace come over me. This is a miracle in and of itself. I have not been very happy or peacful in any of the church services for a long long time. I have been praying for God to change the people, and God has changed me. Praise God for prayers answered how our Lord chooses and not as I think they should. God spoke to me so very clearly during the worship time and I leaned over to Debbie to tell her that God had just told me "I have heard your prayers". He really told me. I instantly wrote this down with the date of Oct. 7,2007 as a reminder for when the enemy tries to convince me that this journey is just not worth it and that I am on my own. NO,NO, My God has heard my prayers.
I am a very thankful man. Thank you brothers for your prayers. We must get more intense. I look forward to our gathering together in about 2 weeks

Your brother in the battle, Bill

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Divine Experiment

Dear Brothers,
It is a privilege to pray with you, brothers, and I am looking forward to what the Lord is going to do at Canton. Pray, not just for the conference, but for the city. I long to see the heavens rent, and God coming down on the whole area, so that the atmosphere is changed, and there is an awareness of the presence of a holy God, as happened here in Wales on November 12th 1904.
I have just come across "The Divine Experiment," a 21 Day Prayer Guide, designed to help undistracted seeking of God`s face for 21 days. As it is exactly 21 days to go before the conference, I recommend its use.
You can find it on

Click on to the 21 Day Devotional Prayer Guide, and then download an Adobe PDF Sampling of the guide.
I don`t know about you, brothers, but I am finding myself more and more wordless before the Lord. "O God, have your way with me, and use me, even me."
Yours, for Him alone
posted by Alec @ 13:34 0 Comments

Friday, September 28, 2007


I just read Steve's latest blog and I had to add my thoughts. KEEP GOING STEVE !! God has a hold of you brother. I do not think that your blog was "negative". It was an honest hurting heart. Your Lords heart is weeping over the lifeless state of most church's and most who claim to be his followers. Someone famous, once (actually twice) was so angry that he caused quite a comotion at the big church of his day by turning over tables and other nasty things, and even had the nerve to kick some of the people right out. One time he even was so angry that he took the time to make a whip. Have you ever been that angry ? He even made a very bold and unpopular ststement- " My house shall be a HOUSE OF PRAYER !!!! " Steve, you are in good company my brother. Maybe you need to make a whip? (just kidding) That is why we desparatly need revival. Brother, I for one will be with you during the prayer times in Canton. I will be praying for and with you my friend as we move closer to meeting in Canton.

My thoughts today have centered around Galations 2:20,21 "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but CHRIST LIVES IN ME. The life I live in the body I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me " Praise God. Steve , HE LIVES IN YOU !!

Steve, you had so many great things to say in your blog. I really appreciate you.

I was reading some of K P this morning and this has stuck with me. "If I am on the throne, then Christ is on the cross. If Christ is on the throne then I am on the cross" .
Crucified with Christ. There is no other way. Christ bids a man to come and DIE.

We are being revived. Come Holy Spirit.

Your brother in the battle,

Thursday, September 27, 2007

What! Could you not watch with Me one hour?


I am frustrated, disappointed, and yes, angry. I recently joined a very small body of believers desperately searching for a fellowship of hungry hearts. When I joined I noticed that the mid-week service was a time for Bible study. As I examined the constitution of the church, laid down by the founders 60+ years ago, I saw to my delight that the men that planted this church had written that the mid-week service SHALL BE A PRAYER SERVICE.

I pointed this out to the leadership of the church as I questioned why the service had been turned into another Bible study. The leaders all agreed that the mid-week service should be primarily a prayer meeting. I immediately suggested that we solicit written prayer requests from the congregation each Sunday morning and then print these on a sheet for our prayer warriors to take home. I also offered to coordinate the Wed. evening "prayer" meeting but was politely ignored.

Yesterday I hurried home from a 3-day break with the family in Myrtle Beach, hungry to get to the business of praying with my brothers and sisters. I brought our written prayer requests on index cards gathered from the congregation remembering the promise that these written requests would be prayed over on Wednesday nights.

I arrived for the meeting which was scheduled from 7pm-8pm. The meeting was sterile, cold, and consisted of a 50 minute Bible study on the "Fear of the Lord." At 7:50pm the prayer request cards were hurriedly divided up and we rushed through our prayers. I was fuming and hurried out the door, frustrated and yes, angry. The pastor phoned me today and I struggled to keep from venting. I want to speak truth in love but this is exactly the core issue in my life at this point. I want God to move in my life and the last thing I need is a 50-minute Bible study! Please don't misunderstand me...we need to study our Bibles. We also are in complete control of our personal prayer time and I am slowly learning to be quiet when I meet God each morning. But let us not forget that the early church was sustained and empowered by their corporate times of prayer. This is when Pentecost came...during a church prayer meeting!

I want to meet the Almighty God of the Bible! Only an encounter with the Holy Spirit can satisfy me now and while I agree that I must fear the Lord, I believe it is the very lack of fear that keeps our prayers so powerless and worthless. If we truly fear God, should we not be falling to our knees in repentance over the condition of our cold hearts and the pitiful state of His bride?

We say we want revival but we can't tolerate even one hour a week for corporate prayer. We have to fill the time with more teaching. Men, we are drowning in teaching! Forget the sermons, the Bible studies and the conferences....WE NEED PRAYER! We know from history that this is the only weapon in our arsenal and yet the weapon is so rusty and dull from lack of use, it is all but worthless. I believe our enemy chuckles when he hears our silly 10-minute prayer meetings...what a joke! He knows for certain that his grip is secure so long as men will love teaching and neglect prayer. The scripture commands us to "Be still, and know that I am God." Men, how can we really know the heart of God if we refuse to be still? Again I ask....why are we so afraid to be silent before God.? Could it be we are afraid of what He will say to us?

How long will we tolerate this charade we call Christianity? We have taken lukewarmness to whole new level. We say we want revival but we dread the convicting silence when we are still and under the searching gaze of the Holy Spirit. We fear that in the silence we may hear the screams of the Holy Spirit....starving to death in our selfish prideful hearts. I'm sick of it men and I'm sick of playing church. I will confront my pastor and there will be a change. One way or the other I will seek to watch with my Lord and Savior for one hour. Notice what Jesus asked of His three closest friends:

Then He said to them, "My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch with Me."

He went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed saying, "O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will."

Then He came to the disciples and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, "What! Could you not watch with me one hour?" (Matthew 26:38-40)

I'm sorry for allowing my frustration to boil over into this blog. I am starving! We need to be aware that there are HOURS each day set aside for corporate prayer in Canton and I for one plan on being there from start to finish. This is where God will do His powerful work. I'm not belittling the messages or music we will hear but I believe it will be in the corporate hours of prayer that God will show Himself powerful. Sadly, some will miss this.

I will close with a topic that keeps coming to the top in all my reading on why revival tarries....the subject of repentance. Prayerfully consider the following from Charles Spurgeon writing about Acts 11:18.

What is "Repentance Unto Life"?

Yet again, I must ask you one question more. Do you think you'll repent of your sins if no punishment were placed before you? or do you repent because you know you shall be punished for ever if you remain in your sins? Suppose I tell you there is no hell at all; that, if you choose, you may swear; and, if you will, you may live without God. Suppose there were no reward for virtue, and no punishment for sin, which would you choose?. Can you honestly say, this morning, "I think, I know, by the grace of God, I would choose righteousness if there were no reward for it, if there were nothing to be gained by righteousness, and nothing to be lost by sin." Every sinner hates his sin when he comes near to the mouth of hell; every murderer hates his crime when he comes to the gallows; I never found a child hate its fault so much as when it was going to be punished for it. If you had no cause to dread the pit—if you knew that you might give up your life to sin, and that you might do so with impunity, would you still feel that you hated sin, and that you could not, would not, commit sin, except through the infirmity of the flesh? Would you still desire holiness? Would you still desire to live like Christ? If so—if you can say this in sincerity—if you thus turn to God and hate your sin with an everlasting hatred, you need not fear but that you have a "repentance" which is "unto life."

Brothers, let us keep pushing each other and most of all, please....let us commit once again to pray for each other each and ever day. I desperately covet your prayers!

I wrote this early today, was saddened by the angry tone and put it aside. I have prayerfully considered the content and am now sending it unedited...I'm sorry to be so negative but it is time to be real.

God Bless each one of us as we prepare our hearts for Canton.

Your brother, Steve

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

27 days to be PREPARED

Prayer and Faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God.
Faith and Obediance. They go together.
Surrender and Brokenness. Both are required from our Lord.

Don't fool yourself. The enemy is going to try. Be alert.

In faith we are praying for REVIVAL. WE are willing to be broken by surrendering our will and being obedient to the WORD of GOD and the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

27 DAYS TO PREPARE YOUR HEART. God wants to give us a heart of flesh and replace our heart of stone.

Brothers, why wait ? Get right with God today. Ask Him to search your heart and show you ( you probably already know what he is going to show you ) what needs to be removed. Let nothing stop the blessing that God will give to those who are REAL before Him. Please pray for each other. This is a WAR.

Your brother in the battle,

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Are You Listening? 42 Days to Canton

Greetings Brothers,

Yesterday I had the privilege of speaking at Billy's monthly prayer meeting for pastors in the Richmond area. I arrived prepared to speak but just before entering the building I prayed that the Holy Spirit would keep me from speaking in the flesh and make me a usable tool for His message. I was prepared with a lesson that I was very "comfortable" sharing. After praying and opening with my scripture reading I suddenly felt that I was supposed to share a very private and humiliating letter that I wrote in desperation on my 42nd birthday. I had grabbed it as I left the house, not intending to share it but...Billy wrote of the need to be serious and prepared when we come into the Holy of Holies for our times of devotion and worship. This will make more sense if you know that Billy used to be an ironworker. Here is the text of my response:

Thank you for the opportunity to share the ways in which the Lord is convicting me. I had a well-prepared message that I intended to share but as I started, I felt prompted to share my "letter at 42". I have shared this letter only with Lori and Bill Stephenson (a brother from Canada you will meet at the prayer conference). The day I wrote that letter was a watershed moment in my life. It was at that moment of complete frustration and broken honesty that the Lord started to fan the last faint ember that still burned in my spirit. I don't like to share that letter because it hurts me to say those words and my flesh is embarrassed. If I am learning one thing, it is that the Holy Spirit will not share the throne with my flesh. Any area where I give quarter to my flesh, signifies a reluctant retreat by the Holy Spirit. I have been such a proud man for so many years and it is that very pride that God cannot tolerate. I am so thankful to have a couple of brothers that accept me just as I need to be....

I am so anxious for our trip next month but I know that there is much more ploughing that needs to be done in my hard heart for the soil to be prepared to receive the seed. Ironworkers and farmers know all about sweat, toil and pain....we both recognize that nothing of real value can come easily, but it is only through the dirty, sweaty, agonizing work that the crop,or structure is built.

Thanks for a timely reminder that our devotion time is sacred...not a routine. Muslims, Buddhists, and New Agers all pray and meditate faithfully and sincerely....yet, theirs is a pointless regimen because they have no access to the Holy of Holies. I sense increased brokeness in each of the men who are headed to Canton. It seems as the days get closer, the ploughing in the heart is deeper and more painful. Praise God! He is faithfully preparing us to hear from Him. I want more than anything, to be in a position to respond to His prompting. I believe that God will use this event to change us at the core if, and only if, we are willing to fully surrender, fully trust, and fully obey. I do not believe he will tolerate a comfortable or half-hearted response.

God bless you are such an encouragement and inspiration to me! I have prayed for you today and will continue to uplift the Davenport clan as the battle continues. Let's encourage each other to press in and keep fighting as the the Oct. Revival Conference gets closer.

Your brother, Steve