Friday, September 28, 2007


I just read Steve's latest blog and I had to add my thoughts. KEEP GOING STEVE !! God has a hold of you brother. I do not think that your blog was "negative". It was an honest hurting heart. Your Lords heart is weeping over the lifeless state of most church's and most who claim to be his followers. Someone famous, once (actually twice) was so angry that he caused quite a comotion at the big church of his day by turning over tables and other nasty things, and even had the nerve to kick some of the people right out. One time he even was so angry that he took the time to make a whip. Have you ever been that angry ? He even made a very bold and unpopular ststement- " My house shall be a HOUSE OF PRAYER !!!! " Steve, you are in good company my brother. Maybe you need to make a whip? (just kidding) That is why we desparatly need revival. Brother, I for one will be with you during the prayer times in Canton. I will be praying for and with you my friend as we move closer to meeting in Canton.

My thoughts today have centered around Galations 2:20,21 "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but CHRIST LIVES IN ME. The life I live in the body I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me " Praise God. Steve , HE LIVES IN YOU !!

Steve, you had so many great things to say in your blog. I really appreciate you.

I was reading some of K P this morning and this has stuck with me. "If I am on the throne, then Christ is on the cross. If Christ is on the throne then I am on the cross" .
Crucified with Christ. There is no other way. Christ bids a man to come and DIE.

We are being revived. Come Holy Spirit.

Your brother in the battle,

Thursday, September 27, 2007

What! Could you not watch with Me one hour?


I am frustrated, disappointed, and yes, angry. I recently joined a very small body of believers desperately searching for a fellowship of hungry hearts. When I joined I noticed that the mid-week service was a time for Bible study. As I examined the constitution of the church, laid down by the founders 60+ years ago, I saw to my delight that the men that planted this church had written that the mid-week service SHALL BE A PRAYER SERVICE.

I pointed this out to the leadership of the church as I questioned why the service had been turned into another Bible study. The leaders all agreed that the mid-week service should be primarily a prayer meeting. I immediately suggested that we solicit written prayer requests from the congregation each Sunday morning and then print these on a sheet for our prayer warriors to take home. I also offered to coordinate the Wed. evening "prayer" meeting but was politely ignored.

Yesterday I hurried home from a 3-day break with the family in Myrtle Beach, hungry to get to the business of praying with my brothers and sisters. I brought our written prayer requests on index cards gathered from the congregation remembering the promise that these written requests would be prayed over on Wednesday nights.

I arrived for the meeting which was scheduled from 7pm-8pm. The meeting was sterile, cold, and consisted of a 50 minute Bible study on the "Fear of the Lord." At 7:50pm the prayer request cards were hurriedly divided up and we rushed through our prayers. I was fuming and hurried out the door, frustrated and yes, angry. The pastor phoned me today and I struggled to keep from venting. I want to speak truth in love but this is exactly the core issue in my life at this point. I want God to move in my life and the last thing I need is a 50-minute Bible study! Please don't misunderstand me...we need to study our Bibles. We also are in complete control of our personal prayer time and I am slowly learning to be quiet when I meet God each morning. But let us not forget that the early church was sustained and empowered by their corporate times of prayer. This is when Pentecost came...during a church prayer meeting!

I want to meet the Almighty God of the Bible! Only an encounter with the Holy Spirit can satisfy me now and while I agree that I must fear the Lord, I believe it is the very lack of fear that keeps our prayers so powerless and worthless. If we truly fear God, should we not be falling to our knees in repentance over the condition of our cold hearts and the pitiful state of His bride?

We say we want revival but we can't tolerate even one hour a week for corporate prayer. We have to fill the time with more teaching. Men, we are drowning in teaching! Forget the sermons, the Bible studies and the conferences....WE NEED PRAYER! We know from history that this is the only weapon in our arsenal and yet the weapon is so rusty and dull from lack of use, it is all but worthless. I believe our enemy chuckles when he hears our silly 10-minute prayer meetings...what a joke! He knows for certain that his grip is secure so long as men will love teaching and neglect prayer. The scripture commands us to "Be still, and know that I am God." Men, how can we really know the heart of God if we refuse to be still? Again I ask....why are we so afraid to be silent before God.? Could it be we are afraid of what He will say to us?

How long will we tolerate this charade we call Christianity? We have taken lukewarmness to whole new level. We say we want revival but we dread the convicting silence when we are still and under the searching gaze of the Holy Spirit. We fear that in the silence we may hear the screams of the Holy Spirit....starving to death in our selfish prideful hearts. I'm sick of it men and I'm sick of playing church. I will confront my pastor and there will be a change. One way or the other I will seek to watch with my Lord and Savior for one hour. Notice what Jesus asked of His three closest friends:

Then He said to them, "My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch with Me."

He went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed saying, "O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will."

Then He came to the disciples and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, "What! Could you not watch with me one hour?" (Matthew 26:38-40)

I'm sorry for allowing my frustration to boil over into this blog. I am starving! We need to be aware that there are HOURS each day set aside for corporate prayer in Canton and I for one plan on being there from start to finish. This is where God will do His powerful work. I'm not belittling the messages or music we will hear but I believe it will be in the corporate hours of prayer that God will show Himself powerful. Sadly, some will miss this.

I will close with a topic that keeps coming to the top in all my reading on why revival tarries....the subject of repentance. Prayerfully consider the following from Charles Spurgeon writing about Acts 11:18.

What is "Repentance Unto Life"?

Yet again, I must ask you one question more. Do you think you'll repent of your sins if no punishment were placed before you? or do you repent because you know you shall be punished for ever if you remain in your sins? Suppose I tell you there is no hell at all; that, if you choose, you may swear; and, if you will, you may live without God. Suppose there were no reward for virtue, and no punishment for sin, which would you choose?. Can you honestly say, this morning, "I think, I know, by the grace of God, I would choose righteousness if there were no reward for it, if there were nothing to be gained by righteousness, and nothing to be lost by sin." Every sinner hates his sin when he comes near to the mouth of hell; every murderer hates his crime when he comes to the gallows; I never found a child hate its fault so much as when it was going to be punished for it. If you had no cause to dread the pit—if you knew that you might give up your life to sin, and that you might do so with impunity, would you still feel that you hated sin, and that you could not, would not, commit sin, except through the infirmity of the flesh? Would you still desire holiness? Would you still desire to live like Christ? If so—if you can say this in sincerity—if you thus turn to God and hate your sin with an everlasting hatred, you need not fear but that you have a "repentance" which is "unto life."

Brothers, let us keep pushing each other and most of all, please....let us commit once again to pray for each other each and ever day. I desperately covet your prayers!

I wrote this early today, was saddened by the angry tone and put it aside. I have prayerfully considered the content and am now sending it unedited...I'm sorry to be so negative but it is time to be real.

God Bless each one of us as we prepare our hearts for Canton.

Your brother, Steve

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

27 days to be PREPARED

Prayer and Faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God.
Faith and Obediance. They go together.
Surrender and Brokenness. Both are required from our Lord.

Don't fool yourself. The enemy is going to try. Be alert.

In faith we are praying for REVIVAL. WE are willing to be broken by surrendering our will and being obedient to the WORD of GOD and the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

27 DAYS TO PREPARE YOUR HEART. God wants to give us a heart of flesh and replace our heart of stone.

Brothers, why wait ? Get right with God today. Ask Him to search your heart and show you ( you probably already know what he is going to show you ) what needs to be removed. Let nothing stop the blessing that God will give to those who are REAL before Him. Please pray for each other. This is a WAR.

Your brother in the battle,

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Are You Listening? 42 Days to Canton

Greetings Brothers,

Yesterday I had the privilege of speaking at Billy's monthly prayer meeting for pastors in the Richmond area. I arrived prepared to speak but just before entering the building I prayed that the Holy Spirit would keep me from speaking in the flesh and make me a usable tool for His message. I was prepared with a lesson that I was very "comfortable" sharing. After praying and opening with my scripture reading I suddenly felt that I was supposed to share a very private and humiliating letter that I wrote in desperation on my 42nd birthday. I had grabbed it as I left the house, not intending to share it but...Billy wrote of the need to be serious and prepared when we come into the Holy of Holies for our times of devotion and worship. This will make more sense if you know that Billy used to be an ironworker. Here is the text of my response:

Thank you for the opportunity to share the ways in which the Lord is convicting me. I had a well-prepared message that I intended to share but as I started, I felt prompted to share my "letter at 42". I have shared this letter only with Lori and Bill Stephenson (a brother from Canada you will meet at the prayer conference). The day I wrote that letter was a watershed moment in my life. It was at that moment of complete frustration and broken honesty that the Lord started to fan the last faint ember that still burned in my spirit. I don't like to share that letter because it hurts me to say those words and my flesh is embarrassed. If I am learning one thing, it is that the Holy Spirit will not share the throne with my flesh. Any area where I give quarter to my flesh, signifies a reluctant retreat by the Holy Spirit. I have been such a proud man for so many years and it is that very pride that God cannot tolerate. I am so thankful to have a couple of brothers that accept me just as I need to be....

I am so anxious for our trip next month but I know that there is much more ploughing that needs to be done in my hard heart for the soil to be prepared to receive the seed. Ironworkers and farmers know all about sweat, toil and pain....we both recognize that nothing of real value can come easily, but it is only through the dirty, sweaty, agonizing work that the crop,or structure is built.

Thanks for a timely reminder that our devotion time is sacred...not a routine. Muslims, Buddhists, and New Agers all pray and meditate faithfully and sincerely....yet, theirs is a pointless regimen because they have no access to the Holy of Holies. I sense increased brokeness in each of the men who are headed to Canton. It seems as the days get closer, the ploughing in the heart is deeper and more painful. Praise God! He is faithfully preparing us to hear from Him. I want more than anything, to be in a position to respond to His prompting. I believe that God will use this event to change us at the core if, and only if, we are willing to fully surrender, fully trust, and fully obey. I do not believe he will tolerate a comfortable or half-hearted response.

God bless you are such an encouragement and inspiration to me! I have prayed for you today and will continue to uplift the Davenport clan as the battle continues. Let's encourage each other to press in and keep fighting as the the Oct. Revival Conference gets closer.

Your brother, Steve

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I want to quote A.W. Tozer, June 16,1948. In the preface to his book, "The Pursuit of God".

"In this hour of all-but universal darkness one cheering gleam appears: within the fold of conservative Christianity there are to be found increasing numbers of persons whose religious lives are marked by a growing hunger after God Himself. They are eager for spiritual realities and will not be put off with words, nor will they be content with correct "interpretations" of truth. They are athirst for God, and they will not be satisfied till they have drunk deep at the Fountain of Living Water.
This is the only real harbinger of revival which I have been able to detect anywhere on the religious horizon. It may be the cloud the size of a mans hand for which a few saints here and there have been looking. It can result in a resurrection of life for many souls and a recapture of that radiant wonder which should accompany faith in Christ, that wonder which has all but fled the Church of God in our day."

He ends the preface with these words that echo in my heart. "..... , but if my fire is not large it is yet real, and there may be those who can light there candle at its flame."

Your brother in the battle,

Monday, September 10, 2007

What Will It Take To Keep You Home?...43 Days to go


As we enter the homestretch, let's prepare for an all-out offensive designed especially for you by the enemy of your soul. This attack will have one keep you from arriving in Canton in 43 short days. What tactic will be successful against you?

We know that since the dawn of time, the enemy has used one of three tactics to derail those hungry for God:
(1 John 2:16)
1. The Lust of the Flesh
2. The Lust of the Eyes
3. The Pride of Life

Perhaps it will be a physical ailment that the enemy will use to keep you at home. Let us press on in our prayers for each other and lift up the health of each of our members. Do not let any irritation or physical weakness distract and deter you from your goal.

Perhaps the enemy will arrange a family emergency to keep you home. Husband/wife conflicts are his specialty. Let us lift up each other's spouses, and pray for a hedge of protection around our loved ones at this crucial time.

Perhaps the enemy will lure you into a secret sin that will convince you that it will be too painful to fake it through three intense days of seeking God and hearing His word. Brothers, do NOT let this keep you from Canton. Let us lift up one another in prayer in this specific area. Let's keep short accounts with God and stay transparent, prayed up and immersed in His Word. Do NOT let a failure in this area be the reason you miss a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Think of the pain and regret you will suffer, knowing that you have forfeited the showers of blessing that we are trusting God to bring.

Perhaps you are already sensing a nagging fear that something "unusual" or "uncomfortable" will occur in Canton, something that you cannot easily explain away or ignore. Something outside of your "normal" Christian experience. You may sense a growing fear that your life may be forever changed by this event. In the same way that God has been showing up for centuries to accomplish His will through His chosen people, are you afraid that this could be a fork in the road, one that will change the very path of the rest of your life? Recognize this as your flesh resisting the work of the Spirit in preparing your heart to receive the Word of God. When we stubbornly cling to the old, comfortable life, we forfeit the incredible opportunity to be involved in the war of the ages...the spiritual battle in heavenly places that will transform everything in our lives. Dangerous? Yes, but we were built and are being equipped by the Spirit of God for this very purpose. Let's prepare our hearts and resist every attempt by our selfish flesh to distract us from the eternal implications of this fight.

I am trusting each of you to hold me accountable and uplifted in your prayers. I am committed to do the same for each of you.

May the Holy Spirit do His work to prepare us for the days ahead!

Your brother, Steve

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Sacrifice and Brokenness


It is so good to be back home again. Two words seem to have returned home with me. Sacrifice and brokenness. These words keep appearing in all of my readings thoughts and prayers. I continue to be painfully aware that if I am to truly continue on this journey and be real, it will cost my entire life. Am I REALLY able to say to my Lord, "all to Jesus I surrender" ? Oh how easy it is to say those words but brothers can we really MEAN them if we truly understand that it means to surrender everything ? Brothers I want to declare before you that I am ready to move forward. I am counting the cost (and it is great) and I am counting the cost of not ( and that is a greater cost) giving to my Lord everything He reveals to me, even my life, my family(oh... that is hard...but ,yes Lord.), my business, my reputation, the sin that still tries to appear as a rosy read delicious apple but really it is a deadly poison, yes all that . Today I choose !! " Except a grain of wheat fall into the earth die....." John 12:24
I have been crucified with Christ. It is NO LONGER I that lives but it is Christ that lives in me. I WILL live by faith and not by sight. These are the words that were going over and over again in my head as I tried to sleep last night. Praise God that his Holy Spirit speaks HIS words in our hearts.
From the book "The Cross and Sanctification" by T.A. Hegre , one of the founding members of Bethany College of Missions:
Sacrifice"When the gospel message today leaves out the Cross, it has no chance of having its claims taken seriously."
"We must preach Christ and His highest call with the widest and deepest application of the Cross so that the believer may be delivered from the power of sin, Satan, the world, and the flesh. We are commissioned to make not nominal Christians but disciples. Only in this way will we have the power in the Church.... This is the day of grace, and we still have the opportunity of a GREAT REVIVAL. We would have the GEATEST REVIVAL the world has ever had if Christians would return to Biblical, Christ-centered, cross-bearing Christianity."
Brokenness. " To break is both Gods work and ours. When He brings pressures to bear, we really have three choices: to rebel and resist (which I have done); to despond (which I have done); or to break (which I am now being taken through). When we break, Christ is revealed. It is easy to say " I surrender all" during our quiet time or in a public meeting, but to follow through and "walk out" such a decision is another thing. It is surrender and consecration in action. " I beseech you therefore, bretheren, by the mercies of God, to pesent your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service" (Romans 12:1) Brokenness is the way of divine love, the only way of living " unto all pleasing " This is the way of real holiness and power. Such is the daily applications of the Cross- brokenness"
Brothers , God is at work. Do not resist. Revival will come. Continue to REALLY pray for each other. Please read 1 John 3:21,22 and pray for revival again.

Your brother in the battle,