Tuesday, October 16, 2007

For This Last Week....Will You LISTEN?


Our exciting journey is nearing the first checkpoint. Yes, I believe this is but the first of many significant markers that God has in store for any man who will continue the wholehearted pursuit of HIM.

In the past two days I have talked with several of you dear brothers and my excitement grows with every conversation and every exchanged email. God is doing the work that He promised He would do, as we have tried in our struggling and stumbling way to walk 135 days in focused prayer and intercession for each other, and His bride. We desperately need revival and today He has focused my mind on a section of scripture that I have never noticed before. Prayerfully consider the following:

"Walk prudently when you go to the house of God; and draw near to hear rather than to give the sacrifice of fools, for they do not know that they do evil. Do not be rash with your mouth, and let not your heart utter anything hastily before God. For God is in heaven and you on earth; Therefore, let your words be few." Ecclesiastes 5:1-2

Even during these past days, I have many times offered the "sacrifice of fools" in my private prayer time. I have rushed into the presence of God and blurted out my hurried and hectic prayers and then, glancing at my watch, I have rushed back to my crazy, noisy world.

There have been many words over these past months, words of prayer, words on this blog, words in email, words spoken in messages we have all been encouraged by. I really feel that now, for these last few days of this segment of our journey, I need to get quiet and still before God and listen to HIM. It hurts every ounce of my flesh to be still and quiet because I have been conditioned to noise, to movement, to blurting out things I haven't adequately thought out. I need rest and I need peace before my Lord. I need to heed His word, "Be still, and know that I am God."

If you, like me, want to be open, available and honest before God, would you consider for these last few days before we meet in Canton, to be quiet and still before our awesome God?

When I spoke with Bill and Billy earlier this week, I was humbled to hear how God is moving and working in our very midst! What would God speak to your heart this week if now, as you approach a huge milestone on your journey, you were to simply seek His face in quietness and stillness before His throne.

I look forward to gathering together for the first time as the Canton Prayer Union and hearing how God has worked over the past 135 days. It has been my privilege to have traveled this path with you.

Looking expectantly towards Canton...

Your brother, Steve

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