Thursday, July 12, 2007

Just some thoughts

Press on brothers. The days are going by so fast. God wants to (and will) do something big if we will just continue to surrender and "travail" in prayer. Pray, Pray Pray. The easiest thing for me to 'not' do is to pray. The greatest thing for me to do is to pray. The most important thing I can do is to pray. The most important thing for the enemy to do is to keep me away from prayer. I have been reading lots and thinking lots and talking lots, but the evil one will use all tactics to keep me from praying. I don't think the enemy is to concerned if I read or think or talk..... but oh the alarm bells go off in hell when a saint is on their knees before God. Brothers , we need revival in our lives. We need revival in our families. We need revival in our churches and in our towns and in our countries!!! Pray like we never have before !
I just want to share some things I have been reading that have helped me as I continue to take my prayer life to where it should be. I have so far to go.

My Utmost for His Highest- July 6 "...God gives us a vision, and then He takes us down to the valley to batter us into the shape of that vision. It is in the valley that so many of us give up and faint. Every God-given vision will become real if we will only have patience. God... puts us thr0ugh fires and floods to batter us into shape, until we get to the point where he can trust us with the reality of the vision..... yet over and over again we try to escape from the sculptors hand in an effort to batter ouselves into the shape of our own goal. .... If you have ever had a vision from God, you may try as you will to be satisfied on a lower level, but God will never allow it "
The Necessity of Prayer-E. M. Bounds "The gift of the Holy Spirit in full measure and in richer experiance, depends upon loving obedience.....when faith ceases to pray, it ceases to live.... Obedience helps faith, and faith in turn helps obedience. "
Psalm 24 : 3, 4 " Who may ascend the hill of the Lord ? Who may stand in his holy Place ? He who has clean hands and a pure heart... "
I have just finished a couple of books that I would recommend. Tozer: The Mystery of the Holy Spirit. Leonard Ravenhill- Revival Gods Way . And an old book I found at my Grand Parents old cottage, When The Fire Fell-How Prayer And Revival Can Save Our Country. Also just bought today " the complete collection of E M Bounds ".
I really want to encourage you guys. This will continue to be a tough journey as we move forward. Be on your guard !! Pray more than you read, If that is possible with our busy lives, but pray like you never have before. I am so weak and in need of your prayers . In fact, I am depending on the prayers of my brothers.
We must pick at least one day of the week that we could fast together and commit to several specific times during the day that we could pray for one another at the same time. What do you guys think ? Tuesday or Thursday would be best for me. We could even have a conference call once a week to pray together since we are so far apart. Let me know what you think. Lets get serious.

Your brother in the battle,

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