Friday, July 13, 2007

CPU's First Corporate Day of Fasting and Prayer

Greetings Brothers,
Bill's challenge comes at an opportune time as we are now only 102 days from Canton. 32 days ago we began this journey and for me it has been an incredible journey thus far. Thanks to the dedicated prayers of my brothers, I am walking closer to my Lord than at any time in recent history. This only creates a greater hunger for more of HIM. In considering Bill's challenge, I feel excited and anxious to get deeper in the battle. As we press in, the fighting will become more intense and the stakes even higher. Let's rededicate ourselves for the coming 100 day sprint to Canton to keep building spiritual muscle. PRAY MORE, feed your spiritual hunger and discipline your flesh ruthlessly. This group and our shared burden is growing more meaningful to me every day. I appreciate and love all of you for your investment in my life. Let's continue to hold each other up. Don't quit...even for a day!

We are in agreement that a day of fasting and our first Prayer Conference Call (PCC) will take place on Tuesday July 17, 2007. The PCC will take place at 4:30 a.m. and each CPU member will be contacted and given a toll-free number to call in. This will accomplish several things:
  • It will be an encouragement to hear each other and communicate directly as we challenge each other to press on.
  • The early morning hour will remove any potential conflicts with work, family...all except sleep.
  • It will allow the ones who have not met to hear each other's voice
  • It will allow us to share private struggles and battles we are engaged in that we may not want to publish online
  • It will keep us sharp as we challenge each other to "lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance teh race that is set before us. Heb.12:1"

I will be in contact with Billy and Steve over the weekend to make sure all members are aware of this exciting opportunity. I can't think of a better group of men to be a part of.

I'm praying for each of you every day...please pray for me. Steve

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