Friday, June 22, 2007

A True Friend

Greetings Brothers,

123 Days until Canton!

Billy phoned yesterday and it got me thinking about what it means to have a true friend. He called to chat about a number of things including the birth of his 14th grandchild (now 7 boys and 7 girls). After we talked, laughed and prayed together I noticed my spirit was "warmed" by our conversation and for the rest of the day I was conscious of a deep connectedness and love for a brother that I probably see no more than a couple times each year. I feel the same when I speak to my brother Bill, another man that I see maybe once a year if I'm lucky.

In contrast, I come in contact with many other men and women, exchange email and phone calls with dozens of other Christians and non-Christian "friends", and yet there is something very different that keeps these relationships at a surface level.

When Jesus spoke to the men on the road to Emmaus, they were prevented from recognizing the risen Christ with their eyes, but nothing could hide the deep connectedness they felt with this "stranger" at a far deeper level. They said to each other afterwards, "Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us..."

I believe that the "burning" that I feel kindled in my heart as I talk to my brothers is the Spirit of the Risen Christ connecting us at the deepest core of our being. We are sharpening each other spiritually, "as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." This has incredible value as we know for certain that we are not alone, but members of a spiritually connected team that is charged with the awesome responsibility of being earthly agents of the Almighty God of the Universe! I believe we will meet many more agents in Canton in October. Let's keep our spirit sensitive to other agents in our midst that may be hungering to enter the battle. There is no limitations on membership in this brotherhood, provided we are one in the Spirit of Christ.

I encourage both of you to never feel guilty if days or even months go by with no conversation, no postings on this blog, no emails exchanged. We are all very busy men with large families and many responsibilities. I shared with Billy, I share again here...there is one thing that I do want you to feel very guilty about. If one day goes by and you do not lift up your fellow soldiers in prayer....I wish you sleepless nights until you get alone with God and bring your brothers before the Throne.

Today, one of us may face an attack more subtle and deadly than any roadside bomb in Iraq. The impact of a moral or ethical failure for one of us has the potential to destroy not only us, but generations of our offspring. The enemy can destroy the soldier in Iraq but once. Our enemy can destroy dozens of lives and spiritually cripple families for generations to come if we are not continually on guard against the "wiles of the devil."

I desperately covet your prayers. I am learning in my own life that this is the very best I can do for both of you. I am praying that God will bring the fresh fire of His Spirit into your life in a way that will empower you in your marriage, as the spiritual leader with your children and grandchildren, and most importantly in your daily service to Jesus Christ. It is incredible to realize that Jesus said he would not call us servants any longer, but we are now friends and because we are friends, He desires us to know His will and to do it.

You are both my true friends and I am so thankful to have brothers on this journey. Billy, thank you for your phone was the highlight of my day. Bill, I'm calling you today. God bless both of you.

Your friend, Steve

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