Friday, June 15, 2007

Prayer, Conviction of sin, and then the blessing

As we begin this journey to Canton, and embark on asking God to bring revival, I want to share some things that God has put on my heart today. I think that when I first thought of revival, I only hoped for the blessings of having God move in our midst , and bring change and excitment to my life with Christ. I was feeling like there had to be more, and my heart was yearning for whatever this "more" was. God has brought scripture to me and has brought people into my life and has directed me to many revival articles, books and videos, that have shown me what was missing.
True revival begins with earnest heart felt prayer for God to move. That is the beginning. God will then begin to move in mens hearts and through the Holy Spirit will begin to bring about a heavy conviction of personal sin. This, I believe, is where most revival will end. Unless the praying men are willing to have the Holy Spirit reveal areas that he has not been allowed to move into and then men fall on their face before a holy God, seek forgives and truely repent,God will not move. The reason that we do not see much revival in north america these days is because of one thing. It is very costly to the individual. It is going to remain costly until the praying men get a vision of the true cost of NOT having revival. Now that would be a greater cost to us and our families to be before the judgment seat of Christ and have God show us what might have been. Can you even begin to imagine the pain and anguish one would experience on that day if we do not move forward now. But... today we MUST count the cost. Am I really willing for God to reveal my sin as He sees it. Am I willing to truely repent (change my ways and thoughts). We must !! Brothers we must be in great prayer for one another to have this issue settled in the deep parts of our hearts. God must invade the "secret chambers" and cleanse the temple once more.
As we count down the days to our great reunion in Canton we must pray like we never have before. Let us keep reminding each other of the dangers that lay ahead from the enemy that so desparetly wants to defeat us. Put on your armor brothers. We must have the power of the Holy Spirit. Remember... we must make room for the Holy Spirit. He reqires all of us. Oh Lord, continue to give me the strenght to move on with you.
Guys, I want the blessings that revival will bring but first we must walk in some dark valleys.Our Lord has promised to never leave us or forsake us. Hang on to that one!!
Sermon has a new video download section. Edwin Orr has a must view sermon called "Revival is like Judgement Day". I would love your comments. Looking forward to your thoughts and comments.
Your brother in the battle,Bill Stephenson

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