Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Bill's Initial Comment


I wanted post Bill's initial response that I received via email today. I think he makes some excellent points!

What a privilege God has given me to have a true friend to encourage and inspire me. Thank you brother!! My only problem is that I have just seemed to master the e-mail technology and now my brother is talking about "blogging". Steve, my kids wont believe it. I will learn to "blog".

In all seriousness, I am grateful to have brothers with a similar heart beat for the Lord. I look forward to meeting Billy, but I think that over the next 134 days I will get to know him better than most people I see on a regular basis. What a great adventure we have embarked on. Our Lord has surprises around each corner. Let us get the armor on as we begin this journey. The enemy is aware that men have begun to stir in their words and e-mails, and will begin to try to block our PRAYER life. The power that we will need for this 134 days will be brought on by men on their knees seeking the only power that has any lasting and true POWER and is only given by God through the HOLY SPIRIT.
I have just finished E M Bounds book called "The Essentials of Prayer". I will now re read it.

God has begun to show me the results of asking and obedience combined with faith. Steve , I had asked you before about my question "is there anything more important than prayer?" God gave me an answer this week. It is wrapped up in the fact that "without faith it is impossible to please God". Prayer and faith are so intertwined and cannot be separated. I will explain more at another time.

I met with another frustrated brother last night. He called me at 9:30 last night and wanted to meet. I was in bed but had just had a great prayer time and had asked God to bring other hungry men . I got back to bed at 1:30 am. Praise God. God has answered many other prayers this week.
I am so excited to learn how to blog with you guys. Lets get out of the way and finally let God be God and do what He wants with us. I am willing, and ask my brothers to pray for me to be even more willing.
I have a meeting at the church wed night. Pray . Next wed night is our first "official" prayer , worship, revival meeting. PRAY for us. God will bring others.
I will be joining my brothers in prayer DAILY for this new adventure. I must go now but hopefully will be blogging real soon.
Your brother in the battle,

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