Sunday, August 24, 2008

Where did we go and what have we been doing?

Greetings Brothers,
I see that the last post on this blog was Jan/08. time flies by! I was reminded by a recent email from Alec, that our primary focus on prayer has not been addressed by anyone in the group, despite the fact that the two revival conference planned for this year are just a few weeks away.

So I asked myself, "Well, what have you been doing since Jan. 08, and (more importantly) what are you currently doing to prepare your heart for Atlanta in Oct.? Sadly, I must confess that I have been distracted and disorganized in so many areas for the past months. My last post in Jan. hinted (or maybe screamed) a growing disatisfaction with the established institution that we call "church". That uneasiness continues to this day and I can't help but think that somehow this institutional structure has become more important than our true calling as the Bride of Christ.

I wish I had answers but as of this date I do not. I know the ONE that has the answers but for now we see through this glass darkly. What would authentic fellowship and relationship and community look like as Christ envisioned and intended? Surely it can't be anything remotely similar to the disjointed and fractured mess that we currently call "the church".

I hope some brothers (or sisters) from the CPU will sign in and get us moving in the right direction as we prepare for the coming events. Time is short and I feel that there is still so much that the Holy Spirit want to do in and through us...but we must be vessels that are usable for His service...and that requires holiness and a focused intensity on hearing that "still small voice."

I hope to hear from you soon.

Your brother, Steve

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen Steve, I am praying for God to manifest Himself through His power and so to make it known to His people once again that there is one God and one Son that intercedes on our behalf!
I am in need of prayer for my former pastor's 18 year old boy who 10 days ago was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and the prognosis is not good. Please pray for him, his name is Ben Elliott and it is apparent that his only hope for survival is for the Lord to heal him.
Mike Stern