I was puzzled as I walked in the front door of the church and saw several small groups of people scattered about the foyer. Where was everyone? I remember reading that over 1100 had registered. I thought perhaps they are all gathered in the sanctuary getting prepared for the concert of prayer scheduled to start at 1:00 p.m. I was momentarily distracted as I caught sight of my brother Bill, waiting just inside the front doors of the church. We quickly found Alec and our group was together for the first time. What a thrill to be with like-minded brothers!
We walked in the huge sanctuary for the Concert of Prayer and once again, I was stunned...the place was almost empty! Where was everybody? We took seats in the front row, dropped our jackets and bags, and headed to a distant corner that was to become our "special" prayer closet. That distant corner at the front of the sanctuary was hallowed ground as we continually gathered here over the 3 days to pray. As we got down to the business at hand, our prayers became focused and the empty sanctuary faded into the background as each man prepared his heart to hear from God. I noticed our prayers were directed inward as we all realized our unworthiness and distance from our Holy God. As brothers cried out in repentance and worship, I knew that God was preparing us for an adventure unlike anything we had ever known.
As I review my notes, there are so many things that God revealed through His humble servants. This gathering, and the men that coordinated it, was so unlike anything I have ever known. The atmosphere was steeped in humility and each man esteemed others as greater than himself. It was a true picture of the authentic church as our elders worshipped with us and exhorted us to go deeper with God. In the hallways and restrooms we would talk with mighty men of God who willingly took the time to listen to our burdens and pray with us. The following list contains some of the deep messages of truth that God revealed to me over those precious 3 days.
From Richard Shipley, God revealed:
1. What is wrong with God's people? They live in the wicked way of worldliness, powerlessness, and are passionless.
2. Am I willing to be hated by the world?
3.Which would disturb me most, my neighbor dying and going to hell, or, a scratch on my new car?
4.Worldliness: To give priority to the things of the world rather than the things of God.
5.The only prescription for worldliness: Galatians 2:20 = DEATH
6.Look forward to heaven and NEVER look for heaven on earth.
7.I am an alien...I do not belong to this world.
8.God's love will never be real to me until I honestly ask God to search my heart and reveal any wickedness (worldliness) in me. Until then, God's love is just a concept, not a reality.
9.I will never be worthy of the Father's love...it is only by His grace.(both boys in the parable of the Prodigal son were equally unworthy of the father's love...the difference is in their heart attitude. The Prodigal recognized he was unworthy while the older son was righteously indignant...he considered himself worthy.
Don Currin:
Amos 6:1-8 (addressed to the spiritually complacent)
What does it mean to be "at ease in Zion"?
- to be careless, secure, resting on prosperity and complacent
- one at ease with a comfortable life
- neglect of God, living indifferently, neglect of prayer
- "Where there is no holy living, there is no Holy Ghost." J.C. Ryle
- II Cor. 5:15 "and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again."
Effects of "living at ease":
- Complacency about approaching judgement
- love for pleasure
- Sensual entertainment..."If you are on the narrow road you will be narrow-minded."
The Test for Music:
- Can I hear the Word of God clearly over the music? (Sinners must be able to hear and understand God's Word)
- Does the music enlarge my vision of God?
- Does it produce the fruit of holiness in my life?
- Does the music sedate the mind and appeal to the body?
How to stir from Complacency?
- Remove ANY DOUBTFUL PRACTICE that may cause my spiritual passion to wane.
- Resolve to live only for eternity.
- Count not your life dear unto yourself.
- Never be content with where I am spiritually. Phil. 3:14
I realize this has been a long post and I will close for today. I look forward to sharing more truth in future posts that God revealed through other servants. If you missed Canton you missed a spiritual feast...a banquet unlike anything I have ever experienced. I am heartbroken that in the supposed "one nation under God", His church was too distracted to attend the feast. Reminds me of a parable....
I grieve for the sorry state of our faith in America and I fear that my children will "reap the whirlwind." If God would not spare the apple of His eye, how can He not pour judgement out on us, for surely our wickedness rises to the heavens as a wretched stench.
Canton was a wake-up call and the North American church DID NOT simply roll over and go back to sleep....THEY COMPLETELY SLEPT THROUGH THE ALARM! They never stirred.
Thank God that revival is coming and I pray I will live long enough to see it. I know that revival is coming...for persecution is surely coming. David Wilkerson has said that revival cannot come to North America until God destroys our materialistic idols of money and toys, and eliminates our distractions so we will hear HIM.
As the Lord gives us the grace to continue, I trust that the CPU blog will be a historical record that future men can access to see how God brought revival in...2007, or 2008, or 2009....He will bring revival. Could it begin today?
Watching for His appearing.....Steve